Page 137 - Main 1st Asb _ THE ONE 27-10-2021
P. 137

Data Protection Act - Dispose of As Confidential Waste PC SJ ELSMORE 752YE 206372
                    CR:1914855/14 Ci Type: B Notifiable/MPS/Other: R-10 Status: I Press: Y Class: Crime Related
                                                        GLU: OK
                                                   Details of Investigation

            CIV 70694 C SAVAGE Service
            Flag CM added 28/06/2014 19:15
            PS 197958 86QK CRSIM
            Hie vehicle has now been restored to the owner of the vehicle. There
            are no other allegations being considered at this time. This allegation
            is now complete.
            03/07/2014 10:07
            CIV 80481 BRALPHONSUS Borough Flag R added

            03/07/2014 10:07
            CIV 80481 BRALPHONSUS Service Flag CM deleted

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