Page 20 - Main 1st Asb _ THE ONE 27-10-2021
P. 20

II. that an anti-social behaviour order is necessary to protect relevant persons from further

                        anti-social acts by him and accordingly application is made for an anti-social

                        behaviour order (and that an interim anti-social behaviour order is just pending the

                        determination of the application for an anti-social behaviour order) containing the
                        following prohibitions:

           The Defendant is prohibited from:

                        a Attending a rave as defined by s.63 of the Criminal Justice and Public

                            Order Act 1994;

                        b.  Being concerned in the organisation of a rave as defined by s.63 of the

                            Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994;
                        c.  Knowingly using or supplying property, personal or otherwise, for use in a rave

                            as defined by s.63 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994;

                        d Entering or remaining in any disused or abandoned building; e.

                        Entering or remaining on non-residential private property on an

                            industrial estate between the hours of 10pm and 7am without written
                        permission from the owner and/or leaseholder of the property; and f

                        Engaging in any licensable activity in an unlicensed p r em i s e.

           Short description of acts complained of:

           The Defendant is involved in the organisation and conduct of illegal raves. These primarily take

           place on disused or industrial land in London and cause harassment alarm and distress to local

           residents. These raves are a licensable activity, cause significant noise pollution and directly
           lead to destruction of property and breaches of the peace. It is specifically alleged that the


           12.01.13    was involved in the organisation of and/or supplied equipment for and/or attended
                        an illegal rave at Canary Wharf
           24.05.13    was looking for venues to set up an illegal rave

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