Page 42 - Main 1st Asb _ THE ONE 27-10-2021
P. 42

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              Continuation of State1nent of
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                                       Douglas Skinner .............. ;:.-.;, • .-;,-a • .-•• • .-.·-.. �;-;;·,;�;,·,: ......
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              These youths would be trying to find the location of the rave. Due to this and to prevent disorder in the area
              1 requested the Commissioners Reserve of TSG be called out to deploy to Enfield Borough and patrol the area.
              I · also infonned Cordell that as the organiser of the rave it was my opinion that his actions would result in
              breaching the peace in the surrounding area. This could result ·in damage to property, both the premises and
              surrounding, area and violence breaking out.  As a result of this to prevent of breach of the peace 1 arrested
              Cordell. He was : taken to �dmonton Police Station and released al 0400hrs when 1 was satisfied a breach of
              the peace would be unlikely to now occur.
              By removing Cordell (the organiser) the other people present left the premises and eventually drifted away
              from i Southbury Road. The music equipment was loaded into a van at the scene. However it could not leave
              the car ! park as the gate was chained  and padlocked. At about 0200hrs the van was able to leave by  driving
              over the pavement between the barriers.  No furth�r raves happened 011 the borough that night:



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             Signature:                             Signature witnessed by:
                                                                           '  •  •  •  I . •  O  •  •  •  •  • .  I   •  •  •  •  �  •  •  .. "  •  :  •  •  •  '  '  •  •. '•'  •  •  ,. ; •  •  •  t  •  f  • •  •_. t  • .•. t  •  �  \  •  •  •  o  •  t
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