Page 5 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 5

Statement of voluntary compliance with the Code of Practice for
               Annual Statistics

               NHS Resolution is publishing this data set on their website on an annual basis.

               NHS Resolution is responsible for the publication of this dataset, including the data collection
               and its quality assurance. DHSC has retained an advisory role in the production of this
               publication. Although the annual statistics are not official statistics or National Statistics,
               where possible NHS Resolution have been guided by the UK Statistics Authority’s Code of
               Practice for Statistics in their production. The Code is framed around three pillars:
               trustworthiness; quality; and value.

               Table 1 explains how these pillars have been applied to the Annual Statistics in a
               proportionate way to demonstrate voluntary compliance, in line with the Guide for Voluntary
               Application of the Code.

               Table 1: How NHS Resolution voluntarily comply with the pillars of the Code of
               Practice for Statistics

                 Trustworthiness       This data set is generated from our claims management system
                                       and our financial accounting system. The data is checked and
                 Confidence in the     quality assured by our data analysts in NHS Resolution.
                 people and
                 organisations that    Annual report claims and financial data is subject to internal and
                 produce statistics    external audit. National Audit Office (NAO) test the underlying data
                 and data              and the numbers reported in the financial statements have been
                                       audited by NAO. However, these processes cannot completely
                                       eliminate the risk of error in the underlying data.

                                       The NHS resolution data set aims to present results in an objective
                                       manner subject to internal management review before publication.

                 Quality               The data used is sourced from our internal systems so the results
                                       are subject to the quality of the underlying data source. NHS
                 Data and              Resolution have appointed independent internal auditors and they
                 methods that          perform an annual audit of the quality of data entered against
                 produce assured       claims across a sample of the population. Further reviews are
                 statistics            carried out by internal quality assurance teams and the NAO.

                                       The claims system is used to manage all claims within NHS
                                       resolution and is critical to all aspects of managing a claim.

                                       Analysts in NHS Resolution undertake quality assurance of the
                                       results data to minimise errors and improve adherence to the
                                       prescribed methodologies.

                                       Examples of the types of data quality checks we carry out include:

                                       • Double uniqueness – Ensuring any data is only counted once
                                       where defined;
                                       • Data validity – Excluding any invalid data;
                                       • Data completeness – Ensure that all valid data is included;
                                       • Correct categorisation – Ensure data is categorised correctly;
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