Page 10 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 10

NHS Indemnity             NHS Indemnity

                                     C l i n i c a l   N e g l i g e n c e   - D e f i n i t i o n

                                     1.    Clinical negligence is defined as:

                                           “A breach of duty of care by members of the health care professions employed by NHS
                                           bodies or by others consequent on decisions or judgements made by members of those
                                           professions acting in their professional capacity in the course of employment, and which
                                           are admitted as negligent by the employer or are determined as such through the legal

                                     2.    In this definition “breach of duty of care” has its legal meaning. NHS bodies will need to
                                           take legal advice in individual cases, but the general position will be that the following
                                           must all apply before liability for negligence exists:

                                           2.1   There must have been a duty of care owed to the person treated by the relevant

                                           2.2   The standard of care appropriate to such duty must not have been attained and
                                                therefore the duty breached, whether by action or inaction,
                                                 advice given or failure to advise;

                                           2.3   Such a breach must be demonstrated to have caused the injury and therefore the
                                                 resulting loss complained about by the patient;

                                           2.4   Any loss sustained as a result of the injury and complained about by the person
                                                treated must be of a kind that the courts recognize and for
                                                which they allow compensation; and

                                           2.5   The injury and resulting loss complained about by the person treated must have
                                                been reasonably foreseeable as a possible consequence of the breach.

                                     3    This booklet is concerned with NHS indemnity for clinical negligence and does not cover
                                           indemnity for any other liability such as product liability,
                                           employers liability or liability for NHS trust board members.

                                     * The NHS (Clinical Negligence Scheme) Regulations 1996, which established the Clinical Negligence Scheme for
                                     Trusts,’ defines clinical negligence in terms of ‘...a liability in tort owed by a member to a third party in respect of or
                                     consequent upon personal injury or loss arising out of or in connection with any breach of a duty of care owed by that
                                     body to any person in connection with the diagnosis of any illness, or the care or treatment of any patient, in
                                     consequence of any act or omission to act on the part ‘of a person employed or engaged by a member in connection
                                     with any relevant function of that member’.
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