Page 13 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 13

Claims Management Principles

           14.   NHS bodies should take the essential decisions on the handling of claims of clinical negligence
                 against their staff, using professional defence organizations or others as their agents and advisers
                 as appropriate.

           Financial Support Arrangements

           15.   Details of the Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) were announced in EL(95)40 on
                 29 March 1995.

           16.   All financial arrangements in respect of clinical negligence costs for NHS bodies have been
                 reviewed and guidance on transitional arrangements (for funding clinical accidents which
                 happened before 1 April 1995), was issued on 27 November 1995 under cover of FDL(95)56.
                 FDL(96)36 provided further guidance on a number of detailed questions.

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