Page 15 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 15

7.    Are GP trainees working In general practice covered?
                 In general practice the responsibility for training and for paying the salary of a GP trainee rests
                 with the trainer. While the trainee is receiving a salary in general practice it is advisable that
                 both the trainee and the trainer, and indeed other members of the practice, should have
                 appropriate professional liability cover as NHS indemnity will not apply.

           8.    Are NHS employees working under contracts with GP fundholders covered?
                 If their employing n h s body has agreed a contract to provide services to a g p fundholding
                 practice’s patients, n h s employees will be working under the terms of their contracts of
                 employment and NHS Indemnity will cover them. If NHS employees themselves contract with GP
                 fundholders (or any other independent body) to do work outside their NHS contract of
                 employment they should ensure that they have separate indemnity cover.

           9.    Is academic General Practice covered?
                 The Department has no plans to extend NHS Indemnity to academic departments of general
                 practice. In respect of general medical services, Health Authorities’ payments of fees and
                 allowances include an element for expenses, of which medical defence subscriptions are a part.

           10.   Is private work in NHS hospitals covered by NHS Indemnity?
                 NHS bodies will not be responsible for a health care professional’s private practice, even in an
                 NHS hospital. However, where junior medical staff, nurses or members of professions
                 supplementary to medicine are involved in the care of private patients in NHS hospitals, they
                 would normally be doing so as part of their NHS contract, and would therefore be covered. It
                 remains advisable that health professionals who might be involved in work outside the scope of
                 his or her NHS employment should have professional liability cover.

           11.   Is Category 2 work covered?
                 Category 2 work (eg reports for insurance companies) is by definition not
                 undertaken for the employing NHS body and is therefore not covered by
                 NHS Indemnity. Unless the work is carried out on behalf of the employing
                 NHS body, professional liability cover would be needed.

           12.   Are disciplinary proceedings of statutory bodies covered?
                 NHS bodies are not financially responsible for the defence of staff involved in disciplinary
                 proceedings conducted by statutory bodies such as the GMC (doctors), UKCC (nurses and
                 midwives), GDC (dentists) CPSM (professions supplementary to medicine) and RPSGB
                 (pharmacists). It is the responsibility of the practitioner concerned to take out professional
                 liability cover against such an eventuality.

           13.   Are clinical trials covered?
                 In the case of negligent harm, health care professionals undertaking clinical trials or studies on
                 volunteers, whether healthy or patients, in the course of their NHS employment are covered by
                 NHS Indemnity. Similarly, for a trial not involving medicines, the NHS body would take
                 financial responsibility unless the trial were covered by such other indemnity as may have been
                 agreed between the NHS body and those responsible for the trial. In any case, NHS bodies
                 should ensure that they are informed of clinical trials in which their staff are taking part in their
                 NHS employment and that these trials have the required Research Ethics Committee approval.
                 For non-negligent harm, see question 16 below.
           NHS Indemnity
                                     14.   Is harm resulting from a fault in the drug/equipment covered?
                                           Where harm is caused due to a fault in the manufacture of a drug or piece of equipment
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