Page 14 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 14

Questions and Answers on NHS Indemnity

           Below are replies to some of the questions most commonly asked about NHS Indemnity.

           1.  Who is covered by NHS Indemnity?

           NHS bodies are liable at law for the negligent acts and omissions of their staff in the course of their NHS employment: Under
           NHS Indemnity, NHS bodies take direct responsibility for costs and damages arising from clinical negligence where they (as
           employers) are vicariously liable for the acts and omissions of their health care professional staff.

           2.  Would health care professionals opting to work under contracts for services rather than as employees of the NHS be

           Where an NHS body is responsible for providing care to patients NHS Indemnity will apply whether the health care professional
           involved is an employee or not. For example a doctor working under a contract for services with an NHS Trust would be covered
           because the Trust has responsibility for the care of its patients. A consultant undertaking contracted NHS work in a private
           hospital would also be covered.

           3.  Does this include clinical academics and research workers?

           NHS bodies are vicariously liable for the work done by university medical staff and other research workers (eg employees of the
           MRC) under their honorary contracts, but not for pre-clinical or other work in the university.

           4.  Are GP practices covered?

           GPs, whether fundholders or not [and who are not employed by Health Authorities as public health doctors], are independent
           practitioners and therefore they and their employed staff are not covered by NHS indemnity.

           5.  Is a hospital doctor doing a GP locum covered?

           This would not be the responsibility of the NHS body since it would be outside the contract of employment. The hospital doctor
           and the general practitioners concerned should ensure that there is appropriate professional liability cover.

           6.  Is a GP seeing a patient in hospital covered?

           A GP providing medical care to patients in hospital under a contractual arrangement, eg where the GP was employed as a clinical
           assistant, will be covered by NHS Indemnity, as will a GP who provides services in NHS hospitals under staff fund contracts
           (known as “bed funds”). Where there is no such contractual arrangement, and the NHS body provides facilities for patient(s) who
           continue to be the clinical responsibility of the GP, the GP would be responsible and professional liability cover would be
           appropriate. However, junior medical staff, nurses or members of the professions supplementary to medicine involved in the care
           of a GP’s patients in NHS hospitals under their contract of employment would be covered.

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