Page 140 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 140

116                                                                                Financial statements

       Statement of changes in taxpayers equity

       for the year ended 31  March 2022

        Changes in taxpayers      Notes     General    Ex-RHA         ELS        CNST       DHSC        ELGP
        equity                                Fund     Reserve    Reserve      Reserve     clinical  Reserve

                                             (£000s     (£000s)    (£000s)     (£000s)     (£000s)    (£000s)

                                              5,873     (65,457)  (1,305,942)  (80,383,206)  (3,480,036)  (1,000,437)

       at 1April 2020
       Changes in taxpayers equity for 2020/21
       Restated net expenditure
                                             (5,381)     2,006     140,080    1,626,802    253,674    473,826
       for the year
       Restated total recognised
       income and expense                       492     (63,451)  (1,165,862)  (78,756,404)  (3,226,362)  (526,611)
       as at 2020/21

       Net Parliamentary funding              7,673       1,000     30,000           0      85,000     69,129

       Restated1balance at
                                              8,165    (62,451)  (1,135,862)  (78,756,404)  (3,141,362)  (457,482)
       31 March 2021
       Changes in taxpayers equity for 2020/21 Transfer between schemes

       Transfer between schemes                  0           0          0            0          0     (25,153)


       Authority and claims
                                   2         (6,736)        (1)       (57)     (23,304)      (264)         0
       (lncrease)/decrease in
                                   7             0     (20,840)   (397,286)  (22,282,207)  (1,034,593)  193,635
       provision for known claims
       (lncrease)/decrease in
                                   7             0       6,000     (35,000)  (21,404,000)  (29,000)   289,000
       the provision for IBNR

                                             (6,736)    (14,841)  (432,343)  (43,709,511)  (1,063,857)  482,635


       Scheme and other income     3            935          0          0     2,458,741         0          0

       Total recognised income
                                             (5,801)    (14,841)  (432,343)  (41,250,770)  (1,063,857)  482,635
       and expense for 2021/22
       Net Parliamentary funding2            14,400       1,279     31,855           0      80,681         0

       Balance at 31 March 2022              16,764     (76,013)  (1,536,350)  (120,007,174)  (4,124,538)  0

       1The balance of reserves at  1 April  2020 and  31  March  2021  have been  increased  by £2,790  million and  £2,457  million  respectively to  reflect a  prior

        period adjustment  for 2020/21  in  respect of the revaluation of the  known claims provision.  See  Note 7.2  for further details of the  revaluation.
       2  The  net Parliamentary funding  represents the cash  drawdown of £221.5  million  in  2021/22 for DHSC-funded  indemnity
        schemes and administration  costs. The  Notes on  pages  118-156 form  part of these financial statements.
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