Page 144 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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120                                                                                Financial statements

       NEST                                                The transfer of the claims previously managed  by MDDUS
                                                           (an  MDO) happened on 6 April 2020; these liabilities
       The Pensions Act 2008 and 2011  Automatic Enrolment
                                                           have been accounted for under the  Existing  Liabilities
       regulations required all employers to enroll workers
                                                           Scheme for General  Practice (ELSGP) in the 2020/21  and
       meeting certain criteria into a  pension scheme and
                                                           subsequent accounts.  Claims previously managed by MPS
       pay contributions toward their retirement.  For those
                                                           (an  MDO) were accounted for under Existing  Liabilities for
       staff not entitled to join the NHS  Pension scheme,  NHS
                                                           General  Practice (ELGP) in 2020/21. The claims previously
       Resolution  used an alternative pension scheme called
                                                           managed  by MPS transferred to NEIS Resolution on
       NEST to fulfil its Automatic Enrolment obligations.

                                                           1 April 2021  and are accounted for under ELSGP in
       NEST is a defined contribution pension scheme       2021/22.  CNSGP and  ELSGP are accounted for under IAS
       established by law to support the introduction of   37,  in  line with the treatment of other NEIS  Resolution
       Automatic Enrolment.  Contributions are taken from   indemnity schemes.  ELGP,  ELSGP and CNSGP are funded
       qualifying earnings, which for the tax year 2021/22   out of the budget for the NEIS managed  by NEIS England,
       were £6,240 up to £50,270. Total contributions      which comes to NEIS Resolution via DEISC financing.
       are 9%, with employee contributions at 5%,
                                                           In  relation to the transfer of assets and  liabilities to the
       employer contributions at 3%  and  Government
                                                           DEISC  Group from the  MDOs, these are accounted for
       contributions (basic tax relief) at  1%.  More details

                                                           under IFRS 3  Business Combinations. This requires the
       on  NEST can  be found on the NEST website www.
                                                           subsequent measurement of assets and  liabilities acquired
                                                           in accordance with other applicable IFRS.  NEIS Resolution
       1.6.  Short-term employee benefits                  has a  management and oversight role in  relation to
                                                           in-scope claims, flowing from the directions from
       Salaries, wages and employment-related  payments
                                                           DEISC, and accounts for these liabilities under IAS 37.
       are recognised in the period  in which the service
       is received from employees.  Leave that has         NEIS  Resolution does not consider that any of our
       been earned but not taken at the year-end  is       indemnity schemes or management and oversight of
       not accrued on the grounds of materiality.          General  Practice claims fall  under the definition of an
       1.7.  Provisions and contingent liabilities         insurance contract as per IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts.
                                                           This is because significant insurance risk is passed back
       NEIS Resolution  provides for legal or constructive   to the members of risk-pooling schemes through annual
       obligations that are of uncertain timing or amount   contributions, to the GP Contract funding held by NEIS
       at the balance sheet date on the basis of the best   England transferred via DEISC  as provision of financing,
       estimate of the expenditure required to settle the   or directly to DEISC  through the provision of financing.
       obligation. Where the effect of the time value of
                                                           The difference between the gross value of claims
       money is significant, the estimated cash flows are
                                                           and the probable cost of each claim as calculated
       discounted using  HM Treasury's nominal discount rate.
                                                           above is also discounted, taking  into account
       Nominal discount rates are applied to general       the likely time to settlement, and  is included  in
       provisions, in accordance with the Financial  Reporting   contingent liabilities as set out in Note 8.
       Advisory Board (FRAB) recommendation in 2017.
                                                           Resolution of claims is difficult to predict as many
       The ELS,  Ex-RHA, CNSC, CTIS and DHSC  clinical and
                                                           factors can  lead to delay during the settlement and/
       non-clinical schemes are funded by DEISC, CNST,  LTPS
                                                           or resolution  process; and emerging evidence can
       and  PES from member contributions, and the accounts
                                                           alter valuation. Accordingly NEIS Resolution  makes a
       for the schemes are prepared in accordance with  IAS 37.
                                                           best estimate regarding the likely year of settlement
                                                           and expected value against each  notified claim.
                                                           These estimates are reviewed throughout the life
                                                           of the claim and amended to reflect variations in
                                                           expectations, which  inevitably alter the value provided.
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