Page 145 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 145

NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                           121

             1.8.  Financial  assets                             1.10.  Critical judgements and key sources
                                                                       of estimation  uncertainty
            The simplified approach to impairment,  in accordance
            with  IFRS 9,  measures the loss allowance for trade   In the application of NFIS  Resolution's accounting  policies,
             receivables, contract assets and  lease receivables at an   which are described elsewhere in  Note  1, the directors are
            amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses (stage   required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions
             1).  For other financial assets, the loss allowance is   about the carrying amounts of assets and  liabilities that
             measured at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit   are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates
             losses if the credit risk on the financial instrument has   and associated assumptions are based on  historical
             increased significantly since initial recognition (stage 2).  experience and other factors that are considered to be
                                                                 relevant. The judgements that have the most significant
             DHSC  provides a guarantee of last resort against
                                                                 effect on the amounts recognised  in the financial
            the debts of its arm's length  bodies and  NFIS bodies
                                                                 statements relate to the calculation of the provisions for
            and as such  NFIS  Resolution does not recognise
                                                                 known claims and for IBNR,  as explained  in  Note 7.2.

            stage  1 or stage 2  losses against these bodies.
                                                                 1.11.  IFRS 8 -  operating segments
             For financial assets that have become credit impaired
            since initial recognition (stage 3),  NFIS  Resolution   NFIS  Resolution  has one reportable segment
             measures expected credit losses at the reporting date as   under IFRS 8:  income and expenditure are
            the difference between the asset's gross carrying amount   separated into different scheme types in the
            and the present value of the estimated future cash flows   Statement of Changes in Taxpayers' Equity.
            discounted at the financial asset's original effective
             interest rate. Any adjustment is recognised  in  profit or
             loss as an  impairment gain or loss.  In the current year,
            following  review of NFIS  Resolution debts, we have not
             recognised any expected credit loss (nil in 2020/21).
             1.9.  Financial  liabilities
             Financial liabilities are recognised  in the Statement of
             Financial  Position when  NFIS  Resolution becomes a  party
            to the contractual provisions of the financial  instrument
            or,  in the case of trade payables, when the goods or
            services have been  received.  Financial liabilities are
            de-recognised when the liability has been discharged;
            that is, the liability has been  paid or has expired.
             Financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value.
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