Page 29 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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             Performance report

             Overview                                                                                          7

             Chair's welcome                                                                                   8
             Chief Executive's report                                                                         12
             Performance summary                                                                              15

             Performance summary                                                                              16
             Operational  performance -  how we performed against our 2021/22  priorities                     19
             The environment we work in                                                                       24
                The legal environment                                                                         24
                The health  landscape                                                                         24
                Key risks and  issues                                                                         25
                Going concern                                                                                 27

             Performance analysis                                                                             29
             Our continued focus on  making maternity care safer                                              30
             Our strategic priorities                                                                         47
             Key performance indicators                                                                       47
             Finance report                                                                                   55

             Corporate governance report                                                                      66

             Directors' report                                                                                66
                Statement of Accounting Officer's responsibilities                                            67
                Governance statement                                                                          68
             Remuneration and staff report                                                                    85

             Parliamentary accountability and audit report                                                   107

             The certificate and report of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the Houses of Parliament   108

             Statement of comprehensive net expenditure for the year ended 31  March 2022                    114
             Statement of financial  position as at 31  March 2022                                           11 5
             Statement of cash flows for the year ended 31  March 2022                                       117
             Statement of changes in taxpayers' equity for the year ended 31  March 2022                     118
             Notes to the accounts                                                                           120

             Glossary                                                                                        158
             Appendix:  Our indemnity schemes                                                                159
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