Page 33 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22

            The Maternity Incentive Scheme continues to mature   We were increasingly concerned to understand
             and develop, driving and assuring the delivery of   and amplify the impact of our activities,  particularly
             a range of safety related actions, determined by    in Safety and Learning, and commissioned
             a multiagency expert group,  by all providers.      academic partners to help us rigorously evaluate
                                                                 our work. They will  report in 2022.
            Also encouraging is that the number of Clinical
             Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) claims reported to   We supported a range of policy developments and
             us has remained essentially static over recent years, with   inquiries with information and analysis. We await the
             a rate reduction when standardised against growing NHS   outcome of the Fixed recoverable costs in tower value
             activity.  In 2021/22 there was a reduction of 534 clinical   clinical negligence consultation and also the forthcoming
             claims (or 5%) compared to the previous year. We see   Government consultation on the future of clinical
            this as likely to be related to restrictions caused by the   negligence, which  is the product of ongoing work across
             pandemic and we consequently expect to see an increase   Government departments following the Public Accounts
             in levels in future.  However, the additional claims impact   Committee recommendations in November 2017.
             of actions taken by the NHS to manage the pandemic   In 2021/22 our two major multi-year change programmes
             are difficult to predict and will unfold over time as the   began on the ground  in earnest, aimed at reforming
             average lag from an  incident occurring to a claim being   our claims operating  model and aligning us to the
             lodged is around three years.  Our overall clinical claims   new regionalised NHS and social care landscape of
             and incidents reported has sharply increased,  but this is   integrated care systems and radically replacing our
             predominantly due to NHS Resolution now managing    legacy IT systems and enhancing our information
             primary care claims that were previously the responsibility   capability. The combined and  related  impacts of these
             of other bodies, which has also required growth in our   two major change programmes will be a step change
             staff numbers to provide these new, additional services.  in efficiency and effectiveness with  better,  more
                                                                 informed services for our scheme members and optimal
             Our wider performance analysis is set out from page 29.
                                                                 insight delivered for our own  use and,  perhaps more
             It identifies that the majority of our key performance
                                                                 importantly, in concert with other system partners to
             indicators have been  met and, where they have not
                                                                 drive evidence-based  improvement within the NHS.
             been met,  provides an explanation as to the reason.
             Moving forward, we are a growing organisation with   During the year we had a number of changes to the
             new duties added to our portfolio and also major change   Board, saying goodbye to our former Chair Martin Thomas
             programmes underway. This combination changes our   and also our longest standing Non-Executive Director Keith
             risk profile and we will  mitigate this through further   Edmonds. We welcomed  new non-executive directors,
             developing our corporate risk management approach.  namely Janice Barber and Dame Lesley Regan, who bring
             Our governance in-year was enhanced by the institution   a wealth of additional knowledge and experience of legal
             of a  People Committee as a formal sub-committee    and clinical areas respectively.  I would like to thank all
             of the Board, ensuring we have additional scrutiny of   Board colleagues, past and present, for their expertise and
             people and organisational development matters.      contributions which have shaped our strategy and delivery.

            With the pandemic continuing to profoundly affect the   I would also like to thank our CEO and  Executive Team
             NHS and other public services, we did what we could to   and our wonderful staff who continued to deliver what
             reduce the burden on NHS staff, while also supporting   was asked of them, and more,  in sometimes difficult
            the health and wellbeing of our own staff while they   and challenging circumstances. That also goes for our
            worked in a number of new ways and latterly in new   many partners and not least our Legal  Panel, who
             locations in  both  London and Leeds.  Long-held plans   again  had to adapt quickly to new circumstances.
            were implemented under our Ways of Working (WoW)     As we look forward to 2022/23 and delivering year
             programme to improve the working conditions and     one of our new strategy, we have every reason to
             processes for our staff while reducing the cost and   believe that our progress will continue based on
             increasing the efficiency of our offices, and were flexible   the foundation built over the last five years and
             enough to accommodate the now mainstream 'hybrid'   we remain ambitious to deliver increasing benefits
             approach.  Staff transferred to new office locations in   for the people we serve and for the NHS.
             both London and  Leeds which  has enhanced the working
             environment while also allowing for more efficient   Mike Pinkerton
            working practices and  reduced estates 'footprint'.  Interim Chair
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