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12 Performance report
Delivery of NHS Resolution's strategy
from 2017 to 2022: A summary
Proactively driving a less Using our expertise and data to
adversarial system improve safety
1. Began our claims mediation service in December 8. Launched the Maternity Incentive Scheme
2016 and by 2018 saw 189 cases mediated against (MIS) in November 2017 working with the
target of 50. Mediation has since dramatically National Maternity Safety Champions and all
increased in size and scale. Our litigation rate has other key system partners. The MIS has strongly
decreased every year over the strategy period. incentivised providers to implement a progressively
developing range of actions agreed by maternity
2. Launched the maternity Early Notification (EN)
experts to be crucial in improving safety.
Scheme in April 2017 to transform the management
of complex maternity incidents and related claims, 9. Partnered with others to advance maternity
reducing the time from incident to notification safety through engagement with the royal
from years to weeks and allowing much earlier colleges and membership of the Maternity
admissions of liabilities where appropriate as well as Transformation Programme Board.
provision of financial and other support to families.
10. Published a landmark clinically led review of
3. Introduced the Assisted Mediation and Professional cerebral palsy claims in September 2017: the first
Support and Remediation services in 2017 to help time we used our data in collaboration with other
clinicians return to safe and effective practice. parts of the health system. This was followed by the
publication of our Learning from suicide-related claims
4. Piloted then instituted team reviews in
report in 2018/19 and the programme continues
2019/20 to reflect and support the reality
in 2022 with reports on emergency department
of modern multidisciplinary care.
themes drawn from our claims information.
5. Delivered new assessment models in relation to
11. Instituted a Faculty of Learning in 2017 which
performance and behaviour of practitioners in 2020/21.
curates an ever-expanding range of publications,
6. Researched and published on patients' reports and Advice Insights and which also
motivation in bringing claims in 2018/19. This influences face-to-face through provider
remains a key evidence base for change in the visits and regional and national events.
management of the NEIS response to harm.
12. Created the Significant Concerns Framework
7. Published to support more effective local resolution/ in 2019/20 which is designed to ensure we
management of issues and the development of a are using our information to help identify or
just and learning culture in the NEIS including: validate emergent patient safety concerns.
• Duty of Candour publications in 2018 13. Shared enhanced claims scorecards with
our NEIS trust members from July 2017
• Being Fair in 2019
onwards to help individual trusts self-identify
• Duty of Candour animation in 2022. specialities and issues for improvement.
14. Improved our effectiveness by building our business
intelligence capacity and capability, implementing
a new finance system and recruiting our first Chief
Information Officer in 2020. This laid the platform
for the start of our Core Systems Programme
to replace our legacy systems and modernise
our working and data capability in 2021/22.
15. Collaborated with Getting It Right First Time
(GIRFT) since 2017 to improve safety and increase
transparency around our data through the publication
of various specialty reports as well as publishing the
Learning from Litigation Claims guide in 2021.