Page 32 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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8                                                                                   Performance report

       Chair's welcome

       2021/22 was a pivotal year for NHS  Resolution and the services we provide for the
       National  Health Service and  its patients and staff. Against the background of ongoing
       disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, this year marked the completion of our

       former five-year strategy, creating a firm foundation for the generation of our approach
       for the next three-years outlined in Advise, resolve and learn: Our strategy to 2029.

                                                           No strategy can  predict all events and our five-year
                                                           programme was influenced  by new Government
                                                           requests (e.g. the general  practice indemnity
                                                           schemes) and the Covid-19 pandemic (for
                                                           example, the coronavirus indemnity schemes).
                                                           Our operating model,  partnering with our legal panel,
                                                           allowed  us to flexibly respond to new priorities without
                                                           significantly affecting  progress towards our strategic
                                                           aims and we took the opportunity to refresh the
                                                           strategy in 2019 to ensure continued  relevance.
                                                           Irrespective of all the above achievements, the cost to the
                                                           public purse of responding to clinical negligence continued
                                                           to rise over the last year with damages payments under
                                                           secondary care clinical schemes increasing by  10.3%
                                                           to £1.775 billion and claimant and  NHS legal costs also
                                                           rising, the latter at a slower rate than the former. The
                                                           biggest single influence on our provision  remains the
                                                           long-term discount rates set by HM Treasury to place a
                                                           value in today's prices on  payments against claims that
                                                           we expect to make many years into the future. The 2021
                                                           discount rate reductions have increased the forward
       The last five years have seen what was the NHS Litigation
                                                           provision by £42.6 billion to £128.6 billion. This is an
       Authority (NHSLA) truly develop and change into
                                                           accounting provision that will further change with future
       NHS Resolution,  not only in  name but in substance.  rate changes. Another important figure to focus on is the
       There can  be no greater illustration of that than the   provision for CNST for claims arising from incidents in
       graph on  page 38, which shows a fundamental shift   2021/22, which is £13.3 billion, a figure we have referred
       from formal  litigation towards non-litigated claim   to previously as the  "annual cost of harm".  Removing
       resolution  methods, which are invariably less adversarial   the effect of the HM Treasury discount rate change
       and often better for patients and staff alike.      translates this figure to £8.7 billion which  is comparable
       By way of a  reminder of our journey over the       to previous years, while remaining a very significant sum.
       last five years -  our strategy was shaped  by three
                                                           The key contributor to this is the cost of maternity
       key themes:
                                                           related claims which make up 62%  of secondary care
       •  Proactively driving a less adversarial system    clinical claims by value and  12%  by volume,  hence our
       •  Using our expertise and data to improve safety   continued focus on supporting improvements in maternity
                                                           care and the magnification of this priority within our
       •  Delivering greater value
                                                           new strategy.  Our Early Notification Scheme is providing
       and delivered by an organisation which capitalised
                                                           contemporary safety feedback for the NHS (rather than
       on the synergy generated by the former NHSLA,
                                                           delayed by several years following a mature claim) and
       National Clinical Assessment Service and Family
                                                           supporting families better with earlier admissions of
       Health Services Appeal Unit becoming integrated
                                                           liability and  interim payments where appropriate.
       as NHS  Resolution. A summary of the achievements
       of that strategy is set out on  page  12.

        https://resolution.nhs. uk/2022/05/19/nhs-resolution-strateav-to-2025-published/
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