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16                                                                               Performance summary

       Performance summary

       This performance summary provides an overview of the work of NHS  Resolution,
       including the key enablers and  risks to achieving our objectives and a summary of
       activities we have undertaken over the past year.  In  particular,  it sets out the activity

       that meets the six priorities outlined  in our Business plan for 2021/221.  More detailed
       information  is included  in the Performance analysis section (from  page 29).  Our
       performance against key performance indicators (KPI) is covered from  page 48.


       In the year 2021/22 we saw a  record  high in the   A stark reminder that although the NEIS remains one of
       proportion of 77%  of claims settling without court   the safest healthcare systems in the world within which
       proceedings. This is evidence of our success in  keeping   to give birth, avoidable errors within  maternity can
       claims out of court by using the widest range of    have devastating consequences for the child,  mother
       approaches to dispute resolution available to us.  For   and wider family, as well as the NEIS staff involved.
       example, our Covid-19 Clinical Negligence Protocol,
                                                           The provision5 increased  by just over half (51 %) to
       launched in collaboration with claimant lawyers
                                                           £128.6 billion due largely to reductions in  HM Treasury
       in August 2020, continues to provide impetus to
       consider alternative means of resolution and avoid   long term and very long term discount rates.
       litigation. Of the  16,484 settled1 clinical and  non­  Negligence claims form a very small  proportion of both

       clinical claims, 48.6%  settled without damages.    the number of incidents and complaints reported in the
       The volume of clinical  negligence claims and  reported   NEIS, and the many millions of individual episodes of
       incidents received  in-year increased from  13,351   care that are delivered  by the NEIS each year. There are
       to  15,078,  predominantly due to the continuing    many factors influencing the reasons why individuals
       maturity of our general  practice indemnity books   bring a claim against the NEIS,  including factors in the
       -  as we received 3,292  Existing Liability Scheme   legal  market6. There is also a significant time lag between
       for General  Practice (ELSGP) and  1,502 Clinical   an  incident occurring and a claim  being  received -  on
       Negligence Scheme for General  Practice (CNSGP)     average 3.1  years.  It may also take several years to settle
       claims, while volumes fell  marginally for the Clinical   a claim,  particularly those high value claims where brain
       Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST). Alongside this,   damage has occurred at birth, and  payments may be
       payments to claimants (damages) increased  by  10.3%,   made on those claims many years into the future.
       while claimant legal costs increased  by 5.1%.
                                                           Taken together, this means that what
       Payments for settled claims in 2021/22 increased
                                                           NHS Resolution receives in terms of claims
       by £199 million (8.8%) to £2.459 billion.
                                                           currently is only a very partial  indicator of:
       The overall cost of harm reached  £13.3  billion3 in relation
                                                           •  Patient safety in the NHS in past years; and also
       to our CNST, with  maternity claims making up 60%  of
       this figure -  hence our continued focus on this in our   •  What we can expect to pay out in settlement
       new three-year strategy, the importance of which was   of those claims in the future.
       yet further emphasised  by the Ockenden  Report4.

       1  22.pdf.
       2 Settled claims include claims that have been agreed with ongoing periodical payment orders and claims where damages  have been agreed or successfully
        defended, and costs have yet to be agreed. This  differs from closed claims, which  do not include claims settled with  periodical  payment orders.
       3 The overall  cost of  harm  has increased from  £7.9 billion  last year. The HM Treasury discount rate  has  had a significant effect,  but we estimate that
        without it, the cost of harm would  have  increased to  £8.7  billion  due to the expectation of a  higher volume of claims from  increased  NHS activity.
       5 The provision  is the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date or transfer to a third party (for claims
        made and predicated to be made, so called 'incurred but not reported claims'). The figure is updated annually and  is an  informed estimate that depends on
        assumptions about future developments and therefore lies within a  range of possible results. When considering the provision,  it is important to note that if
        there is a value allocated to a future periodical payment order this will change in  response to changing  needs and the  lifespan of the claimant concerned.
       6 See Managing the costs o f clinical negligence in trusts,  NAO,  September 2017.
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