Page 43 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 43
NHS Resolution Annual report and accounts 2021/22 19
Operational performance -
how we performed against
our 2021/22 priorities
Note that our performance with regards to our role in maternity safety is discussed in detail in
the Performance analysis from page 29, and is therefore excluded from the following summary.
Priority 1 ■ Priority 2
Deliver the next phase of our strategy to H Further develop our new indemnity
move claims, concerns and disputes H schemes (for general practice and Covid-19)
into a neutral and less adversarial space H while using our expertise to support
w ider improvements, including how
healthcare-related claims are managed
We have expanded the use of alternative dispute In 2021/22 we successfully integrated claims
resolution initiatives across our core services. The arising from historical liabilities of current and
Safety and Learning mediation role, launched in former general practice members in England
April 2020, has resulted in shared learning from into our systems, under the ELSGP. We have
the majority of cases mediated. We have increased continued to advise on additional indemnity
our use of resolution (global settlement) meetings arrangements in response to the pandemic,
which involve parties gathering to discuss, share and including the extensions of the CNSC and CTIS.
agree solutions to progress a claim. These meetings
In February 2022 we launched our transformational
were also convened to discuss a number of claims
Claims Evolution Programme (CEP). Through it we
simultaneously, to save time and resources.
aim to deliver a single, integrated claims function
'Stock-take' meetings involved formal meetings with
that provides the best service we can to the NHS.
claimant lawyers at fixed stages during a claim in a
On 1 March 2022 we launched our new, flexible,
collaborative approach, and have proved successful
regionally-focused Legal Panel Service framework,
in reaching early resolution and reducing costs.
which promotes early investigation, robust
We are continuing to develop the early neutral decision making and proactive investigations.
evaluation tool, which involves appointing an
In the interests of the wider NHS, we continue
independent evaluator to assess cases in a non
to take cases to the higher courts in areas of the
binding and non-prejudicial approach with parties.
law which need to be challenged. Our Primary
In other areas of resolution, we received 798 Care Appeals service has continued to determine
requests for advice in 2021/22, via our Practitioner complex and technical disputes. During the year
Performance Advice service, compared with 805 in there have been two challenges, which are as
the previous year. There was an increase in demand yet undecided by the Court. The first relates to
for our behavioural assessments (42 assessments) payments to medical practitioners suspended
and action planning remediation services (44 from the medical performers list in 20151.
cases), as well as our education programmes. The second considers the termination of a GP
Our Primary Care Appeals service received 128 contract without consideration of the Network
cases in 2021/22, compared to 113 in 2020/21. Contract Directed Enhanced Service scheme.