Page 46 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 46

22                                                                               Performance summary

       Financial summary
       The costs of claims arising from incidents occurring in   As we expect to make payments on clinical negligence
       2021/22 was estimated to be £13.3  billion for CNST,   claims over the lifetime of claimants' lives, which
       an  increase from the £7.9 billion  reported in 2020/21.  will be many years into the future, these discount
       This increase is mainly due to the change in the HM   rates can  have a significant effect on the value of the
       Treasury discount rates referred to above.  However, we   provision.  However, this is an accounting adjustment
       have also allowed for an  increase in claims volumes as   and does not affect the underlying amount that will
       clinical activity has increased since 2020/21  compared   be paid out to settle claims in the short term.
       to the previous year. As a consequence, without the
       effect of the discount rate change, we estimate that
       the annual cost of harm would have been  £8.7  billion.
                                                              The other factors affecting the value of
       In 2021/22, our clinical schemes underspent by £224
                                                              the provision  largely offset each other,
       million against budget (compared with  £430 million
                                                              but it is worth noting the main trends:
       in 2020/21), of which  £222 million this year was in
       respect of CNST.  Expenditure on CNST increased by 7%   •  The provision across all schemes increased
       from 2020/21,  primarily on  high value claims,  but the   due to expected claims from another
       volume and value of claims settlements was lower than    year's worth of activity by £8.5 billion.
       assumed in the budget,  resulting in the underspend.
                                                              •  Our expectations of long term  inflation
       Our provision increased  by 51 %  or £43.3  billion to   have reduced again.  However, this
       £128.6 billion. Almost all of this is due to the reductions   has been  partially offset by increases
       in the  HM Treasury long term and very long term discount   in shortterm  inflation  rates.
       rates. These discount rates are applied to the amounts
                                                              More information about the changes in
       expected to be paid out to settle claims in the future in
                                                              the value of the provision and budgetary
       order to give a value in the accounts at today's prices.
                                                              performance can be found  in the
                                                              Finance report at pages 55 to 63.
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