Page 50 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 50

26                                                                               Performance summary

       IT infrastructure                                   Challenges to our delivery

       We have concluded our discovery phase of our Core   What did  not go as well, took longer than
       Systems Programme and are now progressing with the   expected or changed direction during the year?
       detailed design and development of our new platform.
                                                           •  Core systems and service development
       The Core Systems Programme operates under our
                                                             We encountered delays in  initiating our two
       established programme governance framework and
                                                              main change programmes (the Core Systems
       includes a steering group and a programme assurance
                                                              Programme and the Claims Evolution  Programme)
       committee consisting of representatives across the
                                                             due to the time required to secure the necessary
       organisation who will consider risks,  issues and  benefits
                                                              business case approvals.  Having received the
       arising from the programme.  In addition, we are seeking
                                                             approvals, we initiated  both  programmes in
       input from colleagues across the system to support our
                                                             2021/22 with both due to deliver first steps in
       core system transformation  programme as part of our
                                                             2022/23 with further iterations in the future.
       user research.  The programme has received  NHSX (now
       NHS England Transformation Directorate) Assurance   •  Healthcare Professional Alert Notices
       Board approval and will follow the NHS approvals process.  and Performers Lists Checks
                                                             We are responsible for the management of the
       Cyber security                                         Healthcare Professional Alert Notices (HPANs) system.
       Our IT team is constantly striving to keep pace with the   This is a system through which  notices are issued  by
       ever-evolving threat to cyber and data security. We have   us to inform NHS bodies and others about health
       adopted  NHS Digital sponsored cyber security services,   professionals who may pose a significant risk of harm
       allowing  us access to specialist security expertise at   to patients, staff or the public. We had  hoped to
       no additional cost. Additionally we have a specific key   launch a new platform in 2021/22 to support this
       performance indicator around our response times to    service.  However, while we continue to provide a  pre­
       alerts from the NHS Digital CareCERT team. As a result   employment check service, the development of new
       of these changes our security stance along with  its   technology to improve the ease of access to this service
       supporting administrative processes is more streamlined   has been  brought into our Core Systems Programme.
       and  responsive. We have successfully maintained    •  Maternity Incentive Scheme
       our Cyber Security Essentials Plus certification as    NHS  Resolution and the Collaborative Advisory
       well as passing our ISO 27001  surveillance audit. We   Group (the group of experts from across the
       have continued our programme of penetration and        maternity system who support us with this work)
       vulnerability testing along with a review and  independent   took the decision to pause year four of the  MIS to
       audit against the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)  take into account the impact of Covid-19 on trusts'
       14 cloud  principles.  Our Board, as well as our Audit   ability to achieve the scheme's safety actions. We
       and  Risk Committee, are fully appraised of emerging   listened to our members, and adapted and  revised
       threats and our approach to dealing with them.        the MIS, while reinforcing the key principles of the
                                                             scheme which was relaunched on 3  May 2022.
       The risk of fraud is ever-present. With support from
       our local counter-fraud specialist providers,  and
       participation in  DHSC's Counter Fraud Liaison Group, we
       continually review and  monitor potential threats,  provide
       awareness training to staff and  undertake proactive
       exercises to detect potential fraud and  improve our
       control framework.  Genuine claimants have nothing to
       fear;  however, where there is evidence of a fabricated
       or exaggerated claim we will continue to take steps
       to protect public funds and to pursue a custodial
       sentence.  Please see our case stories on exaggerated
       and false claims as examples of how we handle cases
       of this nature on page 40 for more information.
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