Page 45 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 45
NHS Resolution Annual report and accounts 2021/22 21
Priority 5 Priority 6
Develop and support our people Make a step change in our
through a period of significant change, technology and data analytics
building on our Investors in People capabilities and infrastructure
accreditation, including a renewed focus
on equality, diversity and inclusion
We have relocated both our Leeds- and London- We are developing technology to make sure
based staff into new, flexible Government Hub our data is of the highest quality, more easily
offices, working in consultation with staff to make manageable and accessible for analysis and
sure that we capitalise on opportunities to improve provision of insight. We are committed to
the way that we work across the business. The transparency in our policy to publish data either
expansion of our Leeds office supports the Places for directly, such as the Annual Report Statistics, or
Growth Programme1, aligns with the Government's indirectly via system partners such as GIRFT or
Levelling Up agenda and supports the Budget Model Hospital while adhering to the General
2020 Government commitment to relocating at Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) framework.
least 22,000 roles out of London by 2030. This has We are committed to an ambitious programme of
included building on the positive changes in working change and growth through implementation of
practices that were necessitated by the Covid-19 new operational IT systems and infrastructure, and
pandemic, such as increasing the use of hybrid the business model for the Claims Management
work patterns thereby enabling us to recruit more function. Following our successful Core Systems
broadly from across the UK. Our ratio of desks to procurement in August 2021, we are progressing
employees is just over four desks per ten employees with the development of our new IT platform to
which meets the Government target of not more streamline our processes, to deliver more efficient
than six desks per ten employees and allows services and support our strategic priorities.
for planned growth in staff numbers. We have We have started work to explore the potential
modernised our internal communications, launching for Artificial Intelligence in relation to claims and
a new intranet. Connect, for staff in July 2021. have established a Data Science team to deepen
our analytical capabilities. Our IT team is now
To support a consistent and fair approach towards
more streamlined and responsive to the ever-
staff in relation to incidents and errors, we are
evolving threat to cyber and data security. We
implementing a Just and Learning Culture Charter.
have adopted some of the NHS Digital sponsored
Further action is under way to incorporate the
cyber security services, allowing us access to
values, behaviours framework and the Just and
specialist security expertise. We continue to test
Learning Culture Charter within our policies and
and independently audit our systems to ensure they
procedures. As a result of the ongoing pandemic,
meet the highest level of cyber security standards.
2021/22 continued to be a challenging period for
the workforce, both personally and professionally.
Our focus has continued primarily on maximising the
health and wellbeing (HWB) of our entire workforce
in order to support staff to work as productively
as possible, while balancing home and family
lives. Our health and wellbeing offer for staff was
updated and launched on Connect in September
2021. A key part of this offer is a HWB toolkit
which provides information on a range of physical,
mental and financial health support measures for
both staff and managers. We have progressed a
significant number of the key priorities from our
workforce and organisational development strategy.