Page 49 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 49
NHS Resolution Annual report and accounts 2021/22 25
Key risks and issues
Raising concerns Data quality
As an NHS body, patient safety and public protection As interest in clinical negligence and, consequently,
are of paramount concern. On occasion, we may our data continues to increase we need to ensure that
identify a significant concern and will share information the data we produce, sometimes at short notice, is
externally, for example with other NHS bodies or those accurate and adequately described, to avoid incorrect
with responsibility for regulation within the healthcare interpretation. This is challenging given the complexity
system. This will happen if we see activity which may of data and nuances in the definitions, and we are
have caused significant harm or which puts individuals continually developing our control framework to ensure
at significant risk due to unsafe clinical practice or we capture and maintain accurate and relevant data.
conduct that severely compromises the effective delivery
We are committed to transparency in our policy to
of services. In practice, the relevant healthcare provider
publish data either directly, such as the Annual Report
is likely to be our first point of contact and we may
Statistics, or indirectly via system partners such as GIRFT
invite them to consider onward referral to other relevant
or the Model Hospital while adhering to the GDPR
parties (for example, regulators) or seek assurance
framework. Our strategy is also to develop the use of
that they have done so. We operate a Significant
technology to make our data more easily manageable
Concerns Framework1as a guide to addressing those
and accessible for analysis and provision of insight.
circumstances where a concern about serious harm
has arisen, ensuring that confidential information Policy environment
relating to notifications is managed appropriately and
We operate in a dynamic policy environment and our
within a tightly controlled governance framework, with
Policy, Strategy and Transformation team is tasked
established escalation arrangements as necessary.
with identifying emerging issues and considering their
potential impact on our ability to meet our strategic
objectives. We work closely with DHSC and other arm's
length bodies (ALBs) across a range of policy issues,
Significant concerns case study2 contributing our data and expertise as appropriate. Key
areas of focus for 2021/22 have included the pandemic,
Concerns were raised about a doctor's practice
maternity and complaints policy. We also continue to
while working at Trust A. There had been delivery
work with the Government on clinical negligence policy,
of significantly poor care resulting in multiple
supporting the consultation on Fixed recoverable costs
claims and restrictions placed on the individual's
in low value clinical negligence claims and the broader
practice. NHS Resolution also identified areas for
work around the costs of clinical negligence. Our latest
improvement in relation to Trust A's response to
consultation responses can be found on our website3.
the situation. It was noted that the practitioner had
moved to Trust B and it was not clear that Trust A
had provided all necessary information regarding
the unresolved concerns. Practitioner Performance
Advice and Claims Management worked together
to support the trusts and help to ensure that
information was shared appropriately with Trust B.
This is an illustrative, composite case study (to preserve confidentiality).