Page 54 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 54

30                                                                                Performance analysis

       Our continued focus on making

       maternity care safer

       Figure 2:
       The percentage of clinical negligence claims reported  in 2021/22 by specialty, with a breakdown
       by volume (total  10,284 claims) and by value (total £6,033.4 million)

                                                                  ■ Obstetrics          12%
                                                                     • Early Notification  2%
                                                                     * Non-Early Notification  10%
                                                                  L Emergency medicine  12%
                                                                  ■ Orthopaedic surgery  12%
                                                                     Gynaecology         7%
                                                                  ■ General surgery      7%
                                                                  ■ General medicine     5%
                                                                  ■ Radiology           4%
                                                                  ■ Psychiatry/mental health  3%
                                                                  ■ Urology              3%
                                                                  ■ Gastroenterology     3%
                                                                  M Other               32%

                                                                  ■ Obstetrics          62%
                                                                     • Early Notification  31%
                                                                     • Non-Early Notification  31%
                                                                  P  Emergency medicine  6%
                                                                  ■ Orthopaedic surgery  3%
                                                                  ■ Paediatrics          3%
                                                                  ■ Neonatology          3%
                                                                  ■ Gynaecology          2%
                                                                  ■ General surgery      2%
                                                                  ■ Neurosurgery         2%
                                                                  ■ Radiology            1%
                                                                  ■ Ambulance            1%
                                                                  ■ Other               13%

       There were  1,243 obstetrics claims in 2021/22, accounting for  12%  of all clinical
       negligence claims by volume,  placing  maternity-related claims among the top three
       specialities by volume, alongside emergency medicine and orthopaedic surgery.

       Obstetrics claims accounted for 62%  of all clinical claims by value received in the year,
       highlighting the underlying impact of the financial costs of maternity indemnity payments,
       alongside the impact of harm on  patients, families and  healthcare staff.
       Of the £13.3  billion annual cost of harm incurred though CNST,  maternity claims
       accounted for 60%  in 2021/22.
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