Page 59 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            35

            We highlighted key elements in our 2022-25 strategy in   We regularly collaborate and share learning with
             our response,  not least the focus on further collaboration   maternity stakeholders,  including CQC,  GIRFT,
            to improve maternity outcomes and our ongoing support   NHS England and the royal colleges -  for example,
            to the National Maternity Safety Ambition.  Our new   we collaborated with  GIRFT to share data
             strategy contains a specific strategic aim to support this:  on claims costs with trusts with a view to
                                                                 influencing safer clinical practice.
             Collaborate to improve maternity outcomes:
                                                                 Going forward, we recognise our evolving  role in
             Bringing together key parties to determine          driving  improvements to the safety culture of the
            what further improvements can be made                NHS more broadly. We will continue to explore
            within our areas of expertise to support the         how we further build on work with  key partners to
                                                                 make greater use of our data and  how we work in
             government's maternity safety ambition.
                                                                 partnership with others to identify future priorities for
            We will report our progress against this strategic aim   learning. We have embedded these ambitions in our
             over the next three years.                          existing work and  in our new three-year strategy.

               Working across the healthcare                     Looking ahead, key areas of
                                                                 our focus will  include:
               system to further improve safety
                                                                 Fair resolution: We continue our strategic focus on
               in the NHS
                                                                 improving the way compensation  is delivered when
               As highlighted in the Chair's welcome, we reached   something goes wrong,  by adopting innovative
               the end of our five-year strategy in  March 2022   approaches to keep cases out of costly litigation and
               and achieved a significant amount. The five-year   by supporting DHSC  more broadly to address the
               strategy covered the two-year pandemic towards    challenge of the rising cost of clinical negligence,
               the end of that period. There was a  huge amount   supporting ongoing work across Government. We also
               of change across the health and care systems      continue to support DHSC with the development of
               caused  by the pandemic and our new strategy      their Patient Safety Action  Plan, with their response
               provides an opportunity for us to take stock      to the  Health and Social Care Committee's report into
               of our progress in supporting a safer NHS.        NHS litigation  reform (2022) and other initiatives.
               We opted for a  new strategy covering a three-year   Just and learning culture: NHS  Resolution are
               period as this is long enough to enable some medium   committed to working with our system partners
               to long term  planning, gives us some stability and   to create a just and  learning culture in the NHS.
               enables us to set out a direction of travel over the   Creating a  positive culture can  play a  role in tackling
               period. A three-year period is also short enough to   a variety of workplace issues, such as retention,
               accommodate the likelihood of further changes, and   and is a  key to improving  patient safety.
               for our priorities and objectives to accommodate
                                                                 Practitioner Performance Advice: Our Advice
               those changes. We anticipate concluding two major
                                                                 service works to help ensure that the NHS workforce is
               change programmes during this timeframe, one to
                                                                 supported and that concerns are resolved to preserve
               transform our core technology and data systems,
                                                                 resources for patient care.  Recognising that the data
               and another to update our claims management
                                                                 gathered  by Advice might provide useful learning for
               processes and  procedures to meet the changing
                                                                 the system, especially in terms of the management
               needs of the system, including the introduction
                                                                 of the workforce, we have identified opportunities
               of integrated care boards from July 2022.
                                                                 to expand our insights function within Advice.
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