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34 Performance analysis
The development of the EN Scheme reflects our expertise in managing clinical negligence claims, which is increasingly
underpinned by analysing and sharing key learnings from our work. In 2021/22 we started work on a second report
into the evolution and impact of the EN Scheme (to be published in summer 2022), which provided the basis for
sharing learning with system partners and staff in member trusts through case stories reflected in this report. We
also established a Maternity Voices Advisory Group in 2021/22, giving families an opportunity to advise on the future
development of the EN Scheme. The group was a strategic response to the ambition in the National Patient Safety
Strategy that encouraged organisations and service users to work in partnership to improve quality and safety.
We continue to collaborate with strategic partners, including through the Maternity Incentive
Scheme, to help support safer maternity care. Results for year three of the scheme were encouraging,
with 95 maternity trusts (out of 122 eligible trusts) achieving all ten safety actions.
What is the Maternity Incentive Scheme?
The Maternity Incentive Scheme is a collaboration recover their contribution, but may be eligible for a
by NEIS Resolution and the national maternity safety smaller discretionary payment to help them make
champions in partnership with the Collaborative progress against any actions they have not achieved.
Advisory Group (CAG). The CAG was established by
Trust submissions are checked against CQC findings
NEIS Resolution to bring together other arm's length
and a range of external verification points: these
bodies and the royal colleges to support improvements
include referencing MBRRACE-UK data, submissions
in maternity and neonatal services. Members of the
to the Maternity Services Data Set and against the
group include: the Department of Health and Social
National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD), and
Care, NHS Digital1 NHS England, Royal College of
EN Scheme notifications to HSIB. We contact trusts2
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of
where there are concerns about their scheme's
Midwives, Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through
declaration for reverification or recertification.
Audits and Confidential Enquiries (MBRRACE), Royal
College of Anaesthetists, the Care Quality Commission The launch of year four of the scheme was challenging
(CQC) and Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB). due to Covid-19, and to support trusts in December
2021 it was paused with a requirement for trusts
The scheme works by drawing an additional 10% of a
to continue to apply the principles of the MIS. The
trust's calculated maternity contribution via our CNST
scheme was relaunched in May 2022 with revisions
maternity pricing. Trusts that can demonstrate they
of the safety actions and their deadlines, with
have achieved all of the ten safety actions recover the
consideration to the findings of the Ockenden Report.
element of their contribution to the incentive fund
and will also receive a share of any unallocated funds.
Trusts that do not meet all ten safety actions do not
The year 2021/22 concluded with the publication of the final Ockenden report - final: Findings, conclusions and
essential actions from the Independent Review of Maternity Services at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital
NHS Trust. We welcomed the findings and actions proposed by Donna Ockenden's review and we committed
to continuing our work to help ensure that all maternity services are of the highest possible quality for all
patients. NHS Resolution will respond to this report with plans to review our procedures and practice.
1 NHS England have now created a Transformation Directorate, incorporating NHSX and NHS Digital