Page 60 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 60
36 Performance analysis
Received claims Closed claims
The total of new clinical negligence claims and reported We closed 17,5392 clinical and non-clinical claims in
incidents reached 15,078 in 2021/22, up 13% on 2021/22 (compared with 15,395 in 2020/21), with
the previous year (13,351). The bulk take-on of total payments of £2.459 billion (£2.260 billion).
general practice indemnity claims for pre-1 April 2019 Of these claims, 9,305 were closed with damages
incidents from medical defence organisations is the (8,412) while 8,234 claims were closed without
most significant driver of this increase. A total of 2,005 damages (6,983). Overall, 893 more claims were
ELSGP claims were migrated from Medical Protection closed with damages than in the previous year.
Society (MPS) in 2021/22. However, our CNSGP scheme
Of clinical claims, 6,514 were closed without damages,
for incidents from 1 April 2019 continues to mature,
an increase of 1,435 over the previous year (5,079);
with 1,502 claims received in 2021/22 compared to of non-clinical claims, 1,720 were closed without
973 in the previous year. In contrast, the number of
damages (compared with 1,907 in 2020/21).
new claims added to our CNST book fell for the third
year running. In 2021/22, new CNST claims totalled There was overall an increase in the number of clinical
claims closed both with and without damages paid
10,226 (10,760 in 2020/21 and 11,145 in 2019/20).
compared with last year, across all schemes. Across the
The increase in clinical claims from 13,351 in 2020/21
clinical portfolio (excluding general practice indemnity,
to 15,078 in 2021/22 were in the main due to:
GPI) the numbers were comparable to pre-pandemic
• 1,730 more ELSGP claims, levels - 4,289 closed without damages this year
• 529 more CNSGP claims, compared with 4,265 in 2019/20. As expected, a greater
• 534 fewer CNST claims. number of cases were closed across the GPI book this
year, linked to the increased numbers of cases within
It is too early to determine the impact from Covid-19
both CNSGP and ELSGP. Across the non-clinical claims
on future claims volumes and values due to normal
portfolio we have seen a steady decrease in cases closed
time-lags in claims being lodged - averaging 3.1
overall, and specifically without damages, since 2017/18.
years. We continue to monitor the potential impact
of future Covid-19 related claims associated with Of the clinical claims closed, 11,514 were on our
risks arising from delayed or missed treatments, and CNST book and 2,658 on our general practice
recovery in NHS activity rates, while adjusting future indemnity book, reflecting work to close inactive
claims projections. In 2021/22, we received 22 claims claims transferred to us after April 2019. We closed
related to Covid-19 under CNSC, an increase of just 15 594 new ELSGP claims as a result of investigations
from seven in the previous year, and it is therefore too to establish whether they are likely to proceed. Our
early to draw conclusions about future trends related experience to date suggests that a higher proportion
to these claims given their low volumes to date. of GPI claims may close more quickly as a result.
For our non-clinical Liabilities to Third Parties Scheme
(LTPS), claims have risen this year by 378 to 3,074
compared with the previous year (2,696); however, they
remain lower than pre-pandemic levels (3,669 in 2019/20).
Figure 6:
The number of new clinical and non-clinical claims and incidents reported in each financial
year from 2012/13 to 2021/221
■a I
E Non-clinical
Z claims
2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Notification year
1The data for previous years has been restated and now includes a change to the 2013/14 data for 153 DHSC non-clinical claims which were
incorrectly excluded as legacy industrial disease claims. In 2020/21 an additional 722 ELSGP clinical claims have now been included which were
omitted in error in the 2020/21 Annual report and accounts.
2 The data for previous years has been restated for historical claims received under our ELSGP. Cases closed in-year may have had damages settled in
previous financial years with costs negotiated following payment of the damages. Not all of the claims closed this year would have been settled in
the same financial year. The nature of claims closed with or without damages will depend upon the portfolio of claims at any given period of time.