Page 65 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            41

             Paul v.  Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust;             paramedics could  not achieve any improvement.  Ms
             Polmear v.  Royal  Cornwall  NHS Trust; Purchase    Purchase died.  Her mother sustained post-traumatic
            v. Ahmed (Court of Appeal, 13 January 2022)          stress disorder, severe chronic anxiety and ongoing
                                                                 depression. She alleged that the GP had failed properly
                                                                 to assess and treat her daughter's symptoms.
            These three cases all involved similar issues concerning
                                                                 The Court reviewed the leading court decisions on
            secondary victims of alleged clinical negligence.
                                                                 secondary victims.  On  behalf of the claimants it was
            A secondary victim is not someone to whom
                                                                 argued that the  "event" which caused the trauma to
            the defendant owed a direct duty of care in the
                                                                 secondary victims need not occur at the same time as
            circumstances (the primary victim),  but rather a  person
                                                                 the original negligence.  However, the Court concluded
            who witnessed the accident or event involving the
                                                                 that it was bound  by its own previous decision  in Taylor
             primary victim or who came upon  its consequences
                                                                 v. A.  Novo (2013), where a mother suffered an accident
            shortly afterwards. The Court had to decide whether,
                                                                 at work when shelving fell onto her. Three weeks later
            on the facts of each case, secondary victims might be
                                                                 she collapsed and died at home, witnessed by her
            able to recover damages. This ruling was not about
                                                                 daughter, who was held  unable to recover damages
            whether the clinicians involved  had  been negligent.
                                                                 from  her mother's employers for psychiatric trauma.
                                                                 The Court stated that for a secondary victim to recover
             Mr Paul, who suffered from type 2 diabetes, was     against a defendant whose clinical  negligence had caused
            admitted to hospital on 9 November 2012 complaining   the primary victim injury, the horrific event "cannot be a
            of chest and jaw pain.  He was treated for acute     separate event removed  in time from the negligence".
            coronary symptoms and discharged on  12  November.   Consequently, these claims could  not succeed.  However,
            On 26 January 2014, some  14 months later,  he had a   the Court of Appeal  regarded this area of the law as
             heart attack while shopping with  his family and died   being suitable for review by the Supreme Court and
            shortly afterwards.  His young daughters witnessed   therefore gave the claimants permission to appeal.
             his collapse and suffered psychiatric trauma.  It was
            alleged that Mr Paul should  have been given a coronary
            angiogram by the hospital in November 2012, which    These are all deeply tragic cases, and everyone will feel
            would have revealed coronary artery disease.         huge sympathy for the secondary victims.  However,
                                                                 as the House of Lords made clear in the leading cases
             Esmee  Polmear, aged 7, was referred  by her GP to the
                                                                 of Alcock, which dealt with the Hillsborough disaster,
            trust following episodes of not being able to breathe and
                                                                 there must be boundaries to recoverability by those
            turning  blue. The reviewing paediatrician concluded  in
                                                                 who are not primary victims. Without them, defendants
            January 2015 that her symptoms were likely to be related
                                                                 would  potentially be exposed to large numbers of
            to exertion, with  nothing to suggest an  underlying  heart
                                                                 claims arising from one act of negligence. Judges
             problem.  However, on  1 July 2015, over five months

                                                                 must determine where those boundaries should  be
             later,  Esmee felt unwell on a school trip.  Her parents
                                                                 set. While it might well be foreseeable that failure to
            agreed to bring  her back but when they reached  her
                                                                 diagnose a  heart condition could  lead to the patient
            she was lying on the ground with a staff member giving
                                                                 collapsing and dying, witnessed by family members
             mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.  She was not breathing
                                                                 who suffer psychiatric trauma as a  result, that does
            and died shortly afterwards.  Both  parents suffered post­
                                                                 not necessarily mean that the witnesses can recover
            traumatic stress disorder. The trust admitted negligence
                                                                 damages. We must anticipate a definitive ruling from
             by failing to diagnose Esmee's underlying condition.
                                                                 the Supreme Court,  perhaps in 2023, which will  have
             Ms Purchase visited her GP in January 2013 with acute   important implications for both  relatives and the NHS.
            sinusitis. Afterwards she continued to feel unwell
            and by 4 April she was weak, dizzy and had difficulty
             breathing.  Her mother took her to an out-of-hours GP,
            who made a diagnosis of respiratory tract infection with
             pleuritic pain, oral thrush and depression.  He prescribed
            antibiotics and antidepressants.  However,  her condition
             remained  unaltered.  On 7 April, three days later,  her
             mother returned  home to find  Ms Purchase lying
             motionless on  her bed, staring at the ceiling, although
            she looked alive. She was then joined  by her other
            daughter and ex-husband. A 999 operator advised the
            family to give cardio-pulmonary resuscitation  pending
            arrival of an ambulance. This proved  unsuccessful, and
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