Page 48 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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24                                                                               Performance summary

       The environment we work in

       When considering our performance it is helpful to understand the environment
       in which we deliver our work and the risks and  issues we face as an organisation.

       The legal environment                               Health and  Social  Care Select Committee

       Cross-government work                               In September 2021, we saw the launch of the Health and
                                                           Social Care Select Committee inquiry into NHS litigation
       We continue to support work across Government
                                                           reform.  DHSC  submitted written evidence to this inquiry
       to address the challenge of the rising costs of
                                                           focusing on the cost and  impact of clinical negligence,
       clinical  negligence claims.
                                                           developing a learning culture in the NHS,  and improving
       Fixed recoverable costs                             claim  resolution. We were a key contributor to this
                                                           submission.  Our Director of Claims Management,
       A consultation on the introduction of fixed recoverable
                                                           Simon  Hammond, appeared as a witness for the
       costs for lower value clinical negligence claims (generally
                                                           Committee on  11  January 2022 and our Chief Executive,
       claims with damages valued at £1,500-£25,000)1,
                                                           Helen Vernon,  participated  in an oral evidence session on
       was conducted by DHSC  between 31  January and
                                                           1 February 2022 alongside  Maria Caulfield  MP,  Minister

       24 April 2022. The main objective of the proposal is
                                                           for Patient Safety and  Primary Care,  and  Matthew Style,
       to provide faster resolution of qualifying claims, with
                                                           Director General for NHS  Policy and  Performance at
       legal costs that are more proportionate to the value of
                                                           DHSC. The House of Commons published the Health
       compensation. We have been fully engaged with DHSC
                                                           and Social Care Committee: NHS litigation reform -
       on this work and await the outcome of the consultation.
                                                           Thirteenth Report of Session 2021-22 on 28 April 2022.
                                                           We also contributed to the Health and Social
                                                           Care Select Committee inquiry into the safety
       The health landscape
                                                           of maternity services in  England with our Chief
       NHS  Long Term  Plan and  Health and  Care Act      Executive,  Helen Vernon, who participated in an
                                                           oral evidence session on Tuesday 3  November 2020.
       We continued to prepare for the NHS Long Term  Plan
                                                           The Government's response to the Health and
       commitment via the Health and Care Act 2022 to create
                                                           Social Care Committee report: Safety of Maternity
       more joined-up and coordinated care for patients. We
                                                           services in England published in September 2021.
       have worked with our system partners to advise on
       indemnity arrangements for the new integrated care
                                                           NHS England's maternity plan
       board structures as part of NHS reform and to explore
       any changes that are required to meet the needs of   We await with  interest the publication of NHS  England's
       the changing  landscape of healthcare provision. We   follow-on  report Better Births: Improving outcomes of
       will also be engaging with  ICSs to understand what   maternity services in England - A  Tive Year Torward View
       further support they need from  us as they mature.  for maternity care2, anticipated  in the summer of 2022.
       We have also considered this work in  light of our
       commitment to take action on health  inequalities.

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