Page 42 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 42

18                                                                               Performance summary

       Figure 1:
       Our strategic aims for 2022-25

       New strategic priorities

       Priority 1.               Priority 2.               Priority 3.               Priority 4.
       Deliver fair resolution.  Share data and            Collaborate to            Invest in our people &
                                 insights as a catalyst    improve maternity         systems to transform
                                 for improvement.          outcomes.                 our business.

       All of our services will   Ensuring that our unique   Bringing together key   Develop our people,
       focus on achieving fair and   datasets help derive usable   parties to determine what   systems and services so
       timely resolution, wherever   insights that benefit   further improvements    that we can continue
       possible keeping  patients   patients and the healthcare   can  be made within our   to deliver best value
       and  healthcare staff out   and justice systems.    areas of expertise to     for public funds.
       of formal processes to                              support the government's
       minimise distress and cost.                         maternity safety ambition.

       Our services

         Claims  Management                                  Primary Care Appeals
         Delivers expertise in handling both clinical and non­  Offers an impartial resolution service for the fair
         clinical claims through our indemnity schemes.      handling of primary care contracting disputes.

         Practitioner Performance Advice                     Safety and  Learning
         Delivers expert advice, support and interventions on   Supports the NHS, our members and beneficiaries to
         the fair management of concerns about the           better understand their claims risk profiles, to target
         performance of doctors, dentists and pharmacists.   their safety activity while sharing learning across the
                                                             system to improve patient care.

       Enabled  by

        Finance and                Digital,  Data and        Membership and            Policy, Strategy
        Corporate Planning         Technology                Stakeholder               and Transformation

       Our values

         Professional: we are      Expert: we bring          Ethical: we are           Respectful: we
        dedicated to providing     unique skills, knowledge   committed to acting      treat people with
        a professional,  high      and expertise to          with honesty, integrity   consideration and
        quality service.           everything we do.         and fairness.             respect and encourage
                                                                                       supportive, collaborative
                                                                                       and inclusive team
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