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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                           109

            Audit response to identified  risk                   Other auditor's responsibilities
            As a result of the above, the procedures I  implemented   I am required to obtain evidence sufficient to
            to respond to identified risks included the following:  give reasonable assurance that the income and
             •  reviewing the financial statement disclosures    expenditure reported in the financial statements
               and testing to supporting documentation to        have been applied to the purposes intended by
               assess compliance with  provision of relevant     Parliament and the financial transactions conform
               laws and  regulations described above as having   to the authorities which govern them.
               direct effect on the financial statements;        I communicate with those charged with governance
                                                                 regarding, among other matters, the planned
             •  enquiring of management, and the Audit
                                                                 scope and timing of the audit and significant audit
               and  Risk Committee concerning actual
               and  potential  litigation and claims;            findings, including any significant deficiencies in
                                                                 internal control that I  identify during my audit.
             •  reading and  reviewing minutes of meetings
               of those charged with governance and the          Report
               Board and  internal audit reports; and
                                                                 I have no observations to make on
             •  in addressing the risk of fraud through management   these financial statements.
               override of controls, testing the appropriateness
               of journal entries and other adjustments; assessing
               whether the judgements made in  making            Gareth Davies
               accounting estimates are indicative of a potential   Comptroller and Auditor General
               bias; and evaluating the business rationale of    Date:  18 July 2022
               any significant transactions that are unusual
               or outside the normal course of business.
                                                                 National Audit Office
             I also communicated relevant identified laws and
                                                                 157-197 Buckingham Palace Road
             regulations and potential fraud risks to all engagement
                                                                 Victoria,  London
            team members including internal specialists and
             remained alert to any indications of fraud or non­
            compliance with laws and regulations throughout
            the audit. A further description of my responsibilities
            for the audit of the financial statements is located
            on the Financial Reporting Council's website at:
            description forms part of my certificate.
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