Page 132 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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108          The certificate and report of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the Houses of Parliament

       Responsibilities of the Accounting                  Identifying and assessing potential  risks
                                                           related to non-compliance with  laws
       Officer for the financial statements
                                                           and  regulations, including fraud
       As explained  more fully in the Statement of Accounting
                                                           In identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement
       Officer's Responsibilities, the Accounting Officer
                                                           in respect of non-compliance with laws and regulations,
       is responsible for:
                                                           including fraud, we considered the following:
       •  maintaining  proper accounting records;          •  the nature of the sector, control environment and
       •  the preparation of the financial statements and    operational performance including the design
         annual report in accordance with the applicable     of NHS Resolution's accounting  policies,  key
         financial  reporting framework and for being         performance indicators and  performance incentives.
         satisfied that they give a true and fair view;    •  inquiring of management,  NHS  Resolution's
                                                              Head of Internal Audit and those charged with
       •  ensuring that the Annual  report and accounts
                                                             governance,  including obtaining and  reviewing
         as a whole is fair, balanced and  understandable;
                                                             supporting documentation  relating to NHS
       •  internal controls as the Accounting Officer
                                                              Resolution's policies and  procedures relating to:
         determines is necessary to enable the preparation
                                                             -   identifying, evaluating and complying with
         of financial statement to be free from material
                                                                laws and  regulations and whether they were
         misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; and
                                                                aware of any instances of non-compliance;
       •  assessing  NHS Resolution's ability to continue as a
                                                             -   detecting and  responding to the risks of fraud
         going concern, disclosing, as applicable,  matters related
                                                                and whether they have knowledge of any
         to going concern and  using the going concern  basis of
                                                                actual, suspected or alleged fraud; and
         accounting  unless the Accounting Officer anticipates
         that the services provided  by NHS Resolution will  -   the internal controls established to mitigate risks
         not continue to be provided  in the future.            related to fraud or non-compliance with  laws and
                                                                regulations including NHS Resolution's controls
       Auditor's responsibilities for the                       relating compliance with the National  Health
       audit of the financial statements                        Service Act 2006, and  Managing Public Money.
                                                           •  discussing among the engagement team and
       My responsibility is to audit, certify and report
                                                              involving  relevant internal and external specialists,
       on the financial statements in accordance with
                                                              including actuarial and IT expertise regarding
       the National  Health Service Act 2006.
                                                              how and where fraud might occur in the financial
       My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about   statements and any potential indicators of fraud.
       whether the financial statements as a whole are free
                                                           As a  result of these procedures, I considered the
       from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
                                                           opportunities and  incentives that may exist within  NHS
       error, and to issue a certificate that includes my opinion.
                                                           Resolution for fraud and  identified the greatest potential
       Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance
                                                           for fraud  in the following areas:  recognition of revenue,
       but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in
                                                           bias in  management estimates and posting of unusual
       accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material
                                                           journals.  In common with all audits under ISAs (UK),
       misstatement when it exists.  Misstatements can arise
                                                           I am also required to perform specific procedures to
       from fraud or error and are considered material if,
                                                           respond to the risk of management override of controls.
       individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably
       be expected to influence the economic decisions of   I also obtained an  understanding of NHS Resolution's
       users taken on the basis of these financial statements.  framework of authority as well as other legal and
                                                           regulatory frameworks in which NHS Resolution operates,
       Extent to which the audit was considered
                                                           focusing on those laws and  regulations that had a
       capable of detecting non-compliance with
                                                           direct effect on  material amounts and disclosures in the
       laws and regulations including fraud
                                                           financial statements or that had a fundamental effect
       I design procedures in line with my responsibilities,   on the operations of NHS  Resolution. The key laws and
       outlined above, to detect material misstatements in   regulations I considered  in this context included the
       respect of non-compliance with laws and regulation,   National Health Service Litigation Authority (Establishment
       including fraud. The extent to which my procedures   and Constitution) Order  1995, the National  Health Service
       are capable of detecting non-compliance with laws   Litigation Authority Regulations 1995, the National
       and regulations, including fraud is detailed below.  Health Service Act 2006, and  Managing Public Money.
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