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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                           105

             Parliamentary accountability

             and audit report

            The following  disclosures are subject to audit.

             Losses and special  payments                        Indemnity scheme cover for NHS Resolution
            We had losses of £129,586 in 2021/22.                For 2021/22,  NHS Resolution was covered  under both
             In 2020/21  we had losses of £3,710.                LTPS and  PES.
             Fees and charges                                    Remote contingent liabilities

             Contribution  levels for members of the indemnity   The judgements taken to place a value on the
             schemes that NHS  Resolution operates,  i.e.  the   provision and contingent liabilities (see Notes 7 and 8
             CNST,  LTPS and  PES, are determined  in order to meet   to the accounts) arising from the indemnity schemes
             members' liabilities as they fall due,  in accordance   that NHS Resolution operates do not include an
            with our accounting  policy at Note  1.3 to the      assessment for events that, at this point in time, are
             accounts on page  118. The contributions collected   too uncertain or remote to include. Therefore, there
             are set on a full cost recovery basis, and can  be   is no recognition of potential change in the value of
             seen  in  Note 3 to the accounts on  page  126.     the provision arising from policy developments,  in
                                                                 particular around efforts to improve safety in the NHS
             Expenditure on consultancy
                                                                 (other than through experience reflected in current and
             Expenditure incurred on consultancy in 2021/22 was nil.   past claims), and considerations relating to applying
             In 2020/21  the expenditure on consultancy was nil.  a limit to recoverable costs for lower value claims.

             Publicity and advertising                           Disclosures in relation to liabilities arising from the
                                                                 Covid-19 pandemic have been made in  Notes 7
             Publicity and advertising spend for the year was
                                                                 and 8 to the accounts.
             £95,590. This compares to £67,462  in 2020/21.
                                                                 I am satisfied that this Accountability report is a
             Regularity of expenditure -  gifts
                                                                 true and fair reflection of the work undertaken
            We have not received or made any gifts where
                                                                 by NHS Resolution throughout 2021/22.
            the value exceeded £300,000.  Staff are required
            to declare gifts in  line with  NHS  Resolution's
             Hospitality and  Gifts Policy and  Procedure (HR04).

                                                                 Helen Vernon
                                                                 Chief Executive and Accounting Officer
                                                                 Date:  14 July 2022
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