Page 127 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 127

NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                           103

             Inclusive talent management
             and succession planning

            Talent and succession  planning forms a key part     We have maintained our membership of the Health and
             of our Emerging  People Strategy and will  build on   Care Leaders Scheme (HCLS) and continued to offer
            the work started  in our existing workforce and OD   and access various external leadership development
             strategy. We believe in investing in the development   opportunities which  include the Ready Now, Stepping
             and potential of all staff, to ensure we have effective   Up,  Leaders 2025 and  Nye Bevan  programmes.
             leadership at all  levels. We promote equality, diversity
                                                                 Throughout 2021/22 the organisation has continued
             and inclusion and are taking action to embed an
                                                                 to promote apprenticeships as a way of learning and
             inclusive approach to talent management, supporting
                                                                 developing our own talent. We have used opportunities
             staff to appreciate difference through our staff
                                                                 such as the National Apprenticeship Week,  Lunch & Learn
             networks and ensuring we are focused on attracting,
                                                                 sessions and  monthly apprenticeship drop-in sessions
             developing and retaining a diverse workforce.
                                                                 to educate staff on the range of options and approach
             For 2022 we have updated our performance appraisal   to learning. We currently have  19 staff undertaking
             and development review process in order to encourage   apprenticeships; this number continues to grow and
             a more cyclical approach to performance and talent   it is very encouraging to see staff taking advantage of
             management, and a prompt to encourage talent        this way to improve their skills and career prospects.
             conversations. This will  help to ensure the talent pipeline
            for each directorate is underpinned by individual
             career conversations,  intentions and aspirations.
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