Page 130 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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       The certificate and  report of the

       Comptroller and Auditor General

       to the Houses of Parliament

       Opinion on financial statements
       I certify that I  have audited the financial  statements of the NHS  Litigation

       Authority (herein  referred to as NHS  Resolution) for the year ended
       31  March  2022  under the National  Health Service Act 2006.

       The financial statements comprise NHS  Resolution's:  Opinion on regularity

       •  Statement of Financial  Position as at 31  March 2022;  In my opinion,  in all  material respects, the income and
       •  Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure,      expenditure recorded in the financial statements have
         Statement of Cash  Flows and Statement of Changes   been applied to the purposes intended by Parliament
         in Taxpayers'  Equity for the year then ended; and  and the financial transactions recorded in the financial
                                                           statements conform to the authorities which govern them.
       •  the related notes including the significant
         accounting  policies.                             Basis for opinions
       The financial  reporting framework that has been applied   I conducted my audit in accordance with International
       in the preparation of the financial statements is applicable   Standards on Auditing UK (ISAs UK), applicable law
       law and UK adopted International Accounting Standards  and Practice Note  10 Audit of Financial Statements
       In my opinion, the financial statements:            of Public Sector Entities in the United Kingdom.  My
                                                           responsibilities under those standards are further
       •  give a true and fair view of the state of NHS
                                                           described in the Auditor's responsibilities for the audit
         Resolution's affairs as at 31  March 2022 and of its
                                                           of the financial statements section of my certificate.
         net expenditure for the year then ended; and
                                                           Those standards require me and my staff to comply with
       •  have been  properly prepared in accordance with
                                                           the Financial  Reporting Council's Revised Ethical Standard
         the National  Health Service Act and Secretary
                                                           2019.  I  have also elected to apply the ethical standards
         of State directions issued thereunder.
                                                           relevant to listed entities.  I am independent of NHS
       Emphasis of matter - provision for                  Resolution  in accordance with the ethical requirements
                                                           that are relevant to my audit of the financial statements
       Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts               in the UK.  My staff and I  have fulfilled our other ethical
                                                           responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
       I draw attention to the disclosures made in Note 7 to
       the financial statements concerning the uncertainties   I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient
       inherent in the claims provision for the Clinical Negligence   and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion.
       Scheme for Trusts. As set out in Note 7, given the long
       term nature of the liabilities and the number and  nature
       of the assumptions on which the estimate of the provision
       is based, a considerable degree of uncertainty remains
       over the value of the liability recorded by NHS Resolution.
       Significant changes to the liability could occur as a result
       of subsequent information and events that are different
       from the current assumptions adopted by NHS  Resolution.
       My opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
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