Page 126 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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102                                                                      Remuneration and staff report

       Leadership development
       The HR&OD team continue to run a range of leadership   The programme was delivered virtually and consisted
       and  management development interventions, working in   of four two-hour sessions delivered over four weeks.
       partnership with external  providers where appropriate and   The modules covered the topics outlined in Figure 31.
       making best use of the apprenticeship levy. These include:
                                                           Eleven cohorts were delivered and there have been
       •  Developing a management and  leadership          approximately six to eight participants in each cohort.
         programme which  is a foundation programme        Given the considerable change taking place,  leadership
         for new line managers and existing                development has been acutely focused on developing
         managers (apprenticeship funded).                 our leaders to respond to and manage change. This
                                                           has taken  place in terms of a  range of OD interventions
       •  Developing  managers to support themselves
                                                           and learning and development workshops.
         and others through change.
       An SMT development programme is planned for 2022.

       In  response to the 2020 staff survey,  in July 2021
       a  managing through leadership course was
       designed and offered to all members of staff.

       Figure 31:
       Modules and topics covered by our leadership course

       Managing through  leadership - knowing ourselves

           Where we are
                                                     Task focus

             Managing priorities                                                     Influencing strategy
             Communication skills                                                    Managing complexity
             Team management                                                         Organisational
             Business knowledge                                                      awareness
                                                                                     Managing change
                                         Ijtills &          Business
                                    capabilities            leadership

                     Team                                                                Organisational
              development                                                                development

                                          Self-             Relationship
                                    awareness              management

           ^  Self-awareness                                                       •s  Understanding others
           v'  Self-confidence                                                     v"  Developing others
           *  Managing emotions                                                    v'  Inspiring trust and
           ^  Motivating self                                                        commitment
                                                                                   ^  Managing
                                                    People focus                     relationships
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