Page 124 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 124
100 Remuneration and staff report
Following the awarded Silver level Investors in People In the spring of 2021, and as part of the ongoing
(IIP) accreditation in March 2020, our interim IIP review support to the Ways of Working programme, our Fluman
in March 2022 continues to recognise the progress made Resources and Organisational Development (FIR&OD)
across a number of areas. This has been achieved despite team facilitated a series of co-design staff workshops to
another difficult year in navigating the organisation create an understanding of the support staff required
through the pandemic, in addition to a number of in the short and longer term in relation to health and
change programmes completed and underway. The wellbeing. Feedback from these sessions have been
support to the workforce and the continued delivery used to inform activities and support mechanisms.
of work in line with our Workforce and Organisational
Our approach has ensured that our workforce has
Development Strategy has made a positive impact
the required resilience to respond positively to the
in many ways and the IIP continues to recognise our
ongoing commitment to people management excellence. pandemic and associated revised ways of working.
As a result of the ongoing pandemic, 2021/22 Despite the workforce spending the vast majority of
continued to be a challenging period for the workforce time working from home throughout 2021/22, our
both personally and professionally. The continued staff engagement activities have continued to see
adjustments to the working from home and social a positive level of input with the completion of our
distancing requirements was unsettling and required the staff annual appraisals remaining high at 97% in
organisation to adjust its approach to staff support on 2021, and a positive response rate of 62.8% to the
a number of occasions. In October 2021 all staff were staff survey undertaken at the beginning of 2022.
asked to complete a further individual risk assessment
We have progressed a significant number of the key
in relation to a return to office-based working. In
priorities noted in our workforce and organisational
December 2021, and in response to the Government's
development strategy. Activities delivered
'plan B' announcement we had to revert to further
throughout 2021/22 include the following areas.
individual risk assessments for home-based working.
During the summer months of 2021 with a return to Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
office-based working, the organisation introduced
We aim to create an environment where staff
measures for monitoring, reporting and escalating
respect and value each other's diversity. As an NFIS
when there were confirmed positive Covid-19 cases.
arm's length body (ALB), it is imperative we are
Our focus has continued primarily on maximising the transparent and embrace the core values of the NFIS,
health and wellbeing (HWB) of our entire workforce which are respect, dignity, compassion and inclusion
in order to support staff to work as productively as as well as, of course, our own PEER values.
possible, while balancing home and family lives. Our
In January 2022, we updated our EDI policy (which
health and wellbeing offer for staff was updated and
provides details of the responsibilities of all staff for
launched on our Connect intranet page in September
promoting EDI to ensure we consistently demonstrate
2021. A key part of this offer is a PIWB toolkit which
our PEER values) and associated behaviours
provides information on a range of physical, mental
framework. Reference is also made in the policy to
and financial health support measures for both staff
the Just and Learning Culture charter, the purpose
and managers and is kept under constant review,
of which is to ensure a consistent and fair approach
to ensure it remains relevant and fit-for-purpose.
is taken in relation to incidents and errors.
2021/22 brought a large amount of change activity
including the completion of our move from Victoria to We continue to make progress on our EDI agenda and
Canary Wharf which coincided with a return to office- action plan, which was approved by the Board in July
based working. This was in addition to the launch of our 2020. The plan is focused on three primary areas which
Core Systems and Claims Evolution change programmes. are set out with progress to date in the following material.
In response to this significant period of change
and the ongoing pandemic impacts, in January
2022, a campaign named 'Focus on you in 2022'
was launched and included a number of 'Lunch
& Learns' and workshops focusing on:
• 'your career'
• 'your mental health'
• 'your health and wellbeing toolkit'
• 'your financial wellbeing'.