Page 119 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 119

NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            95

            Table 20: A comparison of the proportion of job candidates shortlisted and appointed to role at
                     NHS Resolution in 2020/21  and 2021/22 with and without a disclosed disability

             Application category                    % Shortlisted   % Shortlisted    % Appointed     % Appointed
                                                         2021/22          2020/21 from shortlisting  from shortlisting
                                                                                          2021/22          2020/21

             Disabled                                        24.4             8.0              5.9            15.0
             Not disabled                                    26.9             5.8             19.1            50.0
             Not disclosed                                   31.1             2.9            69.7             33.3
             Total                                          26.8              5.8            20.0             47.1

             Overall the organisation shortlisted a greater number   Ethnicity
             of candidates across all categories in 2021/22. While
                                                                 The proportion of Black, Asian and  Minority
            the number of appointments made in 2021/22
                                                                 Ethnic (BAME) employees has reduced to 33%  in
             increased slightly, the percentage of appointments
                                                                 2021/22 (compared with 36%  in 2020/21). We
            from the number of shortlisted applicants reduced
                                                                 have continued to grow our workforce in  Leeds
            from 47.1%  in 2020/21  to 20%  in 2021/22.
                                                                 as well as seeing a number of staff moving to
            The number of applicants who considered themselves   100%  home working  in the past  12  months.
             as having a disability and who were shortlisted for
                                                                 It is important that we understand our regional figures
             interview increased to 24.4%  in 2021/22  up from
                                                                 and  how these align to the local  population.  Figure 29
             8%  in 2020/21. The number of appointments
                                                                 shows the current workforce profile against the regional
             made within this category reduced from  15%  in
                                                                 profile information from the 2011  census data. Once the
             2020/21  to 5.9%  in 2021/22. A similar reduction was
                                                                 information from the 2021  census is available, we will
             noted in the not disabled category which reduced
                                                                 review our regional profiles against the latest figures.
            from  50%  in 2020/21  to  19.1%  in 2021/22.
             Since January 2022 we have been  undertaking audits
             on all recruitment campaigns covering a range of
             monitoring characteristics.  The purpose of these
             audits is to identify any areas which may need to be
             considered and addressed further by way of learning.
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