Page 118 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 118

94                                                                       Remuneration and staff report

       Figure 27:                                          Figure 28:
       Workforce - religion/belief1                        Workforce - ethnicity (organisational  profile)

         ■ Christianity  ■ Do not wish   ■ Atheism  ■ Islam       ■ White      ■ BAME       ■ Do not wish
                        to disclose                                                           to disclose
           39.2%        28.3%        14.4%        8.1%              63%          33%          4%

         ■ Other      ■ Hinduism   ■ Sikhism    ■ Juda ism

           4.7%         3%           1.9%         0.4%

       Disability                                          In addition to discussing  internal  matters, the group
                                                           invites external speakers to the meetings in order to share
       NHS Resolution has achieved level two of the Government's
                                                           knowledge and best practice. The group met on a further
       Disability Confident scheme, which replaces the previous
                                                           two occasions in 2021/22 and topics covered  included:
       Two Ticks -  Positive About Disabled  People scheme.
                                                           •  Workforce Disability Equality Standard
       A staff-led disability group was established  in April 2021,
       the Disability Network. The purpose of this group is to:  •  Mobility implications on  returning
                                                             to office-based working
       •  Create an active forum to promote the awareness
         of disability and  inclusion  in a supportive     •  Disability leave
         and  non-judgmental environment;
                                                           •  Social model of disability (presentation
       •  Be central to the visions and values at            from the Shaw Trust).
         NHS Resolution, and encourage staff
                                                           The table following shows the percentage of applications
         engagement and staff empowerment;
                                                           that were shortlisted and the percentage of appointments
       •  Assist in making NHS Resolution an employer      made from those who consider themselves as having a
         of choice for people with a disability.           disability, those who do not consider themselves as having
                                                           a disability and those who do not wish to disclose this
       •  Assist in ensuring disabled people and those with  long
                                                           information.  It also provides a comparison to 2020/21.
         term health conditions have equal access to jobs and
         are able to fulfil their potential at NHS Resolution.

        Note:  total  is 99.7%   due to  rounding.
   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123