Page 115 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 115

NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            91

             Cash equivalent transfer values                     Fair pay disclosure
            A cash equivalent transfer value (CETV) is the actuarially   Reporting bodies are required to disclose the
             assessed capital value of the pension scheme benefits   relationship between the remuneration of the highest-
             accrued by a  member at a particular point in time.  paid director in their organisation and the median
            The benefits valued are the member's accrued benefits   remuneration of the organisation's workforce,
             and any contingent spouse's pension  payable from the   both for total remuneration and for basic pay.
             scheme. A CETV is a payment made by a  pension scheme
                                                                 Total  remuneration  includes salary,  non­
             or arrangement to secure pension benefits in another
                                                                 consolidated performance-related pay and
             pension scheme or arrangement when the member leaves
                                                                 benefits-in-kind.  It does not include severance
             a scheme and chooses to transfer the benefits accrued
                                                                 payments,  employer pension contributions and
             in their former scheme. The pension figures shown
                                                                 the cash equivalent transfer value of pensions.
             relate to the benefits that the individual has accrued as
             a consequence of their total  membership of the pension   The total  banded  remuneration of the highest-paid
             scheme,  not just their service in a senior capacity to   director in NHS  Resolution in the financial year 2021/22
            which disclosure applies. The CETV figures and the other   was £165,000-£170,000 (2020/21,  £165,000-
             pension details include the value of any pension  benefits   £170,000).  This was 3.55 times (2020/21, 3.40) the
             in another scheme or arrangement that the individual   median  remuneration of the workforce, which was
             has transferred to the NHS pension scheme. They also   £47,716 (2020/21,  £49,198). The 25th percentile
             include any additional  pension  benefit accrued to the   remuneration of 4.31  (2020/21,4.30) was £39,374
             member as a result of their purchasing additional years of   (2020/21,  £39,464), which  represents the lowest
             pension service in the scheme at their own cost. CETVs   quartile of remuneration in the organisation, and the
             are calculated within the guidelines and framework   75th  percentile remuneration of 2.81  (2020/21,  2.82)
             prescribed  by the Institute and  Faculty of Actuaries.  was £60,316(2020/21,  £60,058), which  represents the
                                                                 upper quartile of remuneration  in the organisation.
             Real  increase in  CETV
                                                                 The basic pay remuneration of the highest-paid director
            This reflects the increase in CETV effectively funded
                                                                 in  NHS  Resolution  in the financial year 2021/22 was
             by the employer.  It takes account of the increase
                                                                 £160,000-£165,000 (2020/21,  £160,000-£165,000).
             in accrued pension due to inflation, contributions
                                                                 This was 3.55 times (2020/21,  3.87) the median
             paid  by the employee (including the value of
                                                                 remuneration of the workforce, which was £45,524
             any benefits transferred from another scheme or
                                                                 (2020/21,  £41,723). The 25th  percentile remuneration
             arrangement) and  uses common  market valuation
                                                                 of 4.73 (2020/21,  5.15) was £34,172 (2020/21
            factors for the start and end of the period.
                                                                 £31,365), which represents the lowest quartile of
             Compensation on early retirement                    remuneration  in the organisation, and the 75th
             or for loss of office                               percentile remuneration of 3.04 (2020/21,3.13) was
                                                                 £53,219 (2020/21,  £51,268), which  represents the
            There were no early retirements or other
                                                                 upper quartile of remuneration  in the organisation.
             exit arrangements for directors during the
             reporting  period. This is subject to audit.        In 2021/22,  no employee received  remuneration  in
                                                                 excess of the highest-paid director (2020/21, was zero).
             Payments to past directors
                                                                 Remuneration bands ranged from £20,000-£25,000
            There were no payments made to past                  to £165,000-£170,000 (2020/21,  £20,000-£25,000
             directors. This is subject to audit.                to £165,000-£170,000). There has been  no year-
                                                                 on-year change in the remuneration  banding of
                                                                 the highest paid director. The percentage change in
                                                                 salary and allowances is 3.89%. This reflects both
                                                                 the pay award of 3%  and the increase in average
                                                                 workforce by  100 FTE at an average remuneration
                                                                 lying  between the median and the upper quartile.

                                                                 The fair pay disclosures are subject to audit.
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