Page 116 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 116

92                                                                       Remuneration and staff report

       Staff report
       Since the start of the 2021/22 year there has been a   which  held  its inaugural meeting in  March 2022. The role
       notable increase in budgeted full time equivalent (FTE)   of the  People Committee is to support the Board and the
       staff. The increase in  budgeted establishment continues   Accounting Officer by reviewing the comprehensiveness
       to reflect the organisation's requirements to successfully   and reliability of assurances in  relation to its people
       operate the Clinical  Negligence Scheme for General   strategies and activities. The committee members
       Practice, the Claims Evolution  Programme, the Core   provide advice on the adequacy of the organisation's
       Systems Programme and the corporate support required   people plans and strategies. They provide support and
       for the ongoing  increase in  remit and establishment.   recommend which  issues/matters should be escalated
       While increasing our budgeted establishment and     to the Board for further discussion/agreement.
       headcount we have seen an  increase in our annual
                                                           Throughout 2021/22 we have continued to support
       staff turnover to  10.5%,  up from 8.8%  in 2020/21.
                                                           our workforce in a range of personal and  professional
       Further information on the organisational establishment,   development opportunities both internally and
       including a breakdown by directorate, is now included   externally.  Our ongoing commitment to people
       within our finance performance report which  is     management excellence has been  recognised  by the
       presented to the Board.  This additional analysis of   interim Investors in  People (IIP) report received  in  March
       data enables the organisation to consider where there   2022. We are now working towards achieving gold
       may be risks associated with  high vacancy areas.   level accreditation when we reaccredit in early 2023.
       During 2021/22 the Board approved the development   Tables  18 and  19 set out staff costs and average
       of a  People Committee, a sub-committee of the Board,  staff numbers, which are subject to audit.

       Table 18: Staff costs for 2020/21  and 2021/22

        Staff costs                             Permanently           Other          2021/22         2020/21
                                             employed staff                            Total            Total
                                                      £000             £000            £000             £000
        Salaries and wages                           24,236           2,313          26,549           20,718
        Social security costs                         2,741               0            2,741           2,237

        Employer contributions                        4,030               0            4,030           3,399
        to NHS Pensions
        NEST pension contributions                       4                0               4                8

        Apprenticeship levy                             121               0             121               84
        Total                                        31,132           2,313          33,445           26,446

       Table 19: Average full-time equivalent staff numbers

        Average number of persons               Permanently          Other*          2021/22         2020/21
        employed/staff numbers               employed staff                            Total            Total
        and related costs
        Core department                                468               24             492              400

        Capital projects                                  8               0               8                0
        Total                                          476               24             500              400

       *Other is temporary/agency workers engaged with the organisation.
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