Page 154 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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130                                                                                Financial statements

       7.    Provisions for liabilities and charges

       Provisions                     Ex-RHA          ELS        CNST        DHSC         ELGP         ELSGP

                                       £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s    £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s

        Opening provision
                                       55,751    1,002,628   38,247,332   2,592,424     193,635      207,462
        for known claims
        Opening provisions for IBNR    6 , 0 0 0  145,000    40,639,000     618,000     289,000       191,000
        Restated1total provision

                                       61,751    1,147,628   78,886,332   3,210,424     482,635      398,462
        as at 1April 2021

        Movement in known claims
        Transfer between schemes           0            0            0           0     (193,635)      193,635

        Provided in the year            1,198      38,279     8,408,657     221,273           0      481,934
        Provision not required
                                        (546)     (18,744)   (2,827,151)    (91,359)          0     (159,697)
        written back
        Unwinding of discount            953       16,590      290,785       36,571           0        2,259

        Change in discount rate        19,234     361,160    16,409,916     868,107           0       117,368
        Provisions utilised
                                      (1,265)     (19,906)   (2,213,856)   (82,773)           0      (80,574)
        in the year

        Movement in known claims       19,574     377,379    20,068,351     951,819    (193,635)     554,925
        Movement in IBNR

        Transfer between schemes           0            0            0           0     (289,000)     289,000

        Change in discount rate            0       68,768    24,463,000     285,027           0        5,000

        Provided in the year          (6 ,0 0 0 )  (33,768)  (3,059,000)  (256,027)           0     (147,000)

        Movement in IBNR              (6 ,0 0 0 )  35,000    21,404,000     29,000     (289,000)      147,000
        Closing provision for
                                      75,325     1,380,007   58,315,683   3,544,243           0      762,387
        known claims
        Closing provisions for IBNR        0      180,000    62,043,000     647,000           0      338,000

        Total provision as at
                                      75,325     1,560,007  120,358,683   4,191,243           0     1,100,387
        31 March 2022
        Analysis of expected timing
        of discounted cash flows2
        Not later than one year         1,297      36,975     2,393,405     162,955           0      109,373

        Later than one year and
                                       5,422      125,467    10,005,727     611,766           0      327,042
        not later than five years
        Later than five years         68,606     1,397,565  107,959,551   3,416,522           0      663,972
        Total provision as at
                                      75,325     1,560,007  120,358,683   4,191,243           0     1,100,387
        31 March 2022

       The provisions relating to NHS Resolution's indemnity schemes are the only provisions made by NHS  Resolution.

       1The opening  balance at  1 April 2021  has been  increased  by £2,457  million to  reflect a  prior period adjustment for

        2020/21  in  respect of the  revaluation of the  known  claims provision.  See  Note 7.4 for further details of the  revaluation.
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