Page 156 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 156

132                                                                                Financial statements

       Provisions for liabilities and charges (prior year)

       Provisions                     Ex-RHA          ELS     Restated       DHSC         ELGP         ELSGP
                                                                 CNST       clinical

                                       £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s    £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s

        Restated opening provision
                                       57,011    1,111,961   35,957,145   2,681,471     387,475            0
        for known claims
        Opening provisions for IBNR    8 , 0 0 0  199,000   44,391,000     845,000      612,000            0

        Restated1total provisions
                                       65,011    1,310,961  80,348,145    3,526,471     999,475            0

        as at 1April 2020
        Movement in known claims
        Transfer between schemes           0            0           0            0     (146,616)      146,616

        Provided in the year            2,413       13,190    8,027,172     190,890      60,803       134,190
        Provision not required
                                      (3,752)    (122,909)   (4,131,228)  (273,466)     (69,731)     (55,790)
        written back
        Unwinding of discount           1,023      18,848      439,075      42,305        1,278          778

        Change in discount rate          297        4,572       16,186       12,853       3,440          287
        Provisions utilised
                                       (1,241)    (23,034)  (2,061,018)     (61,629)    (43,014)      (18,619)
        in the year

        Movement in known claims      (1,260)    (109,333)   2,290,187     (89,047)    (193,840)      207,462
        Movement in IBNR

        Transfer between schemes           0            0           0            0     (2 0 1 ,0 0 0 )  2 0 1 , 0 0 0

        Change in discount rate            0        1 , 0 0 0  165,000        1 , 0 0 0   6 , 0 0 0    3,000

        Provided in the year          (2 ,0 0 0 )  (55,000)  (3,917,000)  (228,000)    (128,000)     (13,000)

        Movement in IBNR              (2 ,0 0 0 )  (54,000)  (3,752,000)  (227,000)    (323,000)      191,000
        Closing provision for
                                       55,751    1,002,628  38,247,332    2,592,424     193,635       207,462
        known claims
        Closing provisions for IBNR    6 , 0 0 0  145,000   40,639,000      618,000     289,000       191,000

        Restated1total provision
                                       61,751    1,147,628  78,886,332    3,210,424     482,635      398,462
        as at 31 March 2021
        Analysis of expected timing
        of discounted cash flows2
        Not later than one year        1 , 0 0 0   35,003    2,430,244       77,006      66,790       70,372

        Later than one year and
                                       7,005      143,086    11,767,324     315,188      173,922      157,870
        not later than five years
        Later than five years          53,746     969,539   64,688,764    2,818,230     241,923       170,220

        Restated1total provision
                                       61,751    1,147,628  78,886,332    3,210,424     482,635      398,462
        as at 31 March 2021

        The opening balance at  1 April 2020 and the closing balance at 31  March 2021  have been  increased by £2,790 million and £2,457  million
        retrospectively to reflect a prior period adjustment for 2020/21  in  respect of the revaluation of the CNST known claims provision.
        See Note 7.4 for further details of the revaluation.
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