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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                           137

             General Practice Indemnity                          Process and methodology for
             From  1 April 2021  liabilities relating to incidents prior   setting the provision

            to  1 April 2019 against members of the Medical
                                                                 NHS Resolution  has entered  into a  Memorandum of
             Protection Society (MPS) transferred to be administered
                                                                 Understanding with  Government Actuary's Department,
             by NHS  Resolution. These are covered within the
                                                                 to assist with the preparation of financial statements
             Existing Liabilities Scheme for General  Practice (ELSGP),
                                                                 through actuarial analysis and  modelling of claims
            which already covered liabilities relating to incidents
                                                                 data. This is combined with  information  provided
             prior to  1 April 2019 against members of the  Medical

                                                                 by management on the current economic and
            and Dental  Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS).
                                                                 claims environment in order to provide estimates for
             Short-term inflation                                management to consider in  relation to determining
                                                                 the valuation of the liabilities for the accounts.
            Short-term inflation expectations have increased
            significantly relative to last year owing to the post­  NHS Resolution's Reserving and  Pricing Committee is
             pandemic economic recovery,  higher energy prices   responsible for making decisions on the key judgements
            and supply and  labour constraints. The provisions   and estimates.  This is supported  by the advice of
            are determined assuming that claims inflation will   the actuaries alongside the  Preparatory Reserving
            also be higher in the short term -  reflecting the   Group, which  reports into the Reserving and  Pricing
            assumption that a  higher cost of living  in the general   Committee and brings together colleagues from
            economic environment will  lead through to higher    across the organisation to scrutinise the analysis.
            claim settlement costs. The impact on the CNST
                                                                 In addition to the discount rate, there are other factors
             provision  is shown at Table 28 on  page  142.
                                                                 that influence the provision that are also outside NHS
             Claims inflation trends                             Resolution's control; for example, patients (and their
                                                                 legal  representatives) have an element of control over
             Notwithstanding the higher short-term inflation
                                                                 the timing of the reporting of claims. The Reserving
            expectations in the general economic environment,
                                                                 and  Pricing Committee keeps all the factors affecting
            average settlement costs have not increased at
                                                                 the calculation of provisions under review to ensure
            the rate previously assumed. This is a continuing
                                                                 that the final provisions reflect the experience of the
            trend over the last few years and as such we have
                                                                 organisation and are adjusted  in a timely manner.
             made reductions to our long term claims inflation
            assumptions.  See page  142 for details of the impact   The methodologies for the three key elements
            of the changes to the claims inflation assumption    in NHS Resolution's provisions are as follows:
             Risk and uncertainty                                •  Known claims -  The provision is based on the case
                                                                    estimates of individual reported claims received  by
             In  prior years, we have included a risk and  uncertainty
                                                                    NHS Resolution.  The case estimates are adjusted for:
             margin  in our IBNR provisions to reflect the unquantifiable
             risks that might affect our liabilities. This year, we   -   the case handlers' estimated probability
             have decided to remove the risk and uncertainty         of each claim being successful,
             margin to ensure that the provisions reflect our best   -   expected future claims inflation to settlement,
            estimate as a  result of our ongoing  refinements
                                                                   -   the likelihood that they will go on to settle
            to our reserving processes.  Instead, the risk and
                                                                     under a  periodical payment regime -  with part
             uncertainty inherent in the provision  is demonstrated
                                                                     of the claim  paid over the life of the claimant
            via  presentation of sensitivity analysis and the
                                                                     as a  regular stream of compensation  income
             reasonable range covered  in the following material.
                                                                     rather than  purely as a  lump sum, and
            Assumption of liabilities
                                                                   -   the assumed additional cost if the case were
             upon cessation                                          to settle as a  periodic payment order (PPO).
            The NHS Act 2006 s.28A requires the Secretary of State
                                                                 A further adjustment has been applied to the
            for Health and Social Care to exercise his statutory
                                                                 2021/22  known claims provision as a whole,  and to
             powers to deal with the liabilities of a Special  Health
                                                                 the CNST provision only for 2020/21  (on grounds
            Authority,  if it ceases to exist. This includes the liabilities
                                                                 of materiality) to align the profile of case estimates
            assumed  by NHS Resolution in respect of all schemes.
                                                                 settlement dates with an actuarial view of the
                                                                 expected timing of settlement of the provision.
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