Page 164 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 164

140                                                                                Financial statements

       Condition 3: the inflation rates instead applied should   •  Legal environment: The legal environment is
       be based on logical and  relevant calculations and     a particular area of uncertainty.  DHSC  published
       reasonable underlying assumptions.  For example, they   a consultation in January 2022 proposing the
       may be comparable to existing financial indices or based   introduction of Fixed  Recoverable Costs (FRC) in
       on  historical trends.  The claims inflation assumptions   lower value clinical negligence claims (generally
       adopted  have been based on  historical claims data    claims with damages valued at £1,500-£25,000).
       as well as making  references to historical  levels of   The consultation proposed that an  FRC  scheme apply
       other indices, such as the Annual Survey of Flours and   to claims notified on or after the implementation
       Earnings (ASFIE),  and assumptions for price inflation.  date. The consultation closed on 24 April 2022, and
                                                              assumes implementation no earlier than 2023/24.
       As a  result the claims inflation assumptions are derived by:
                                                              Because this is a consultation there is no certainty
       •  First,  looking at nominal  increases in average claim   as to whether the FRC  scheme will  be introduced or
          costs over past years by reserving segment; and     what it will  look like. As a result, the potential impact
                                                              of FRC  is too remote to be included  in the provision
       •  Then adjusting this to reflect any significant differences
                                                              as at 31  March 2022.  This will remain  under review.
          in expected future inflation in the economy compared
          to observed  historical inflation over the recent past.  The provisions have been valued using the current
                                                              Personal Injury Discount Rate (PIDR) of minus
       The majority of PPOs have payments linked to the
                                                              0.25%.  The Civil Liability Act 2018 introduced a
       retail  price index (RPI) and/or ASHE 6115 (a wage
                                                              process for periodical  reviews of the  PIDR. As there
       inflation index) and the future rates of increase in these
                                                              is no certainty on the outcomes of future reviews,
       indices are uncertain.  In particular, ASHE 611 5 relates
                                                              no adjustments have been  made to the IBNR or
       specifically to care and home workers and external
                                                              known claims provisions for the potential effects of
       factors impacting this market in  recent years have
                                                              such changes at this stage.  However, the recently
       increased the uncertainty in setting this assumption.
                                                              announced PIDR in  Northern  Ireland provides an
       Further, the reforms announced to RPI will  result in a
                                                              indication that,  if the PIDR in  England and Wales had
       change in the way that RPI  is determined  in 2030.
                                                              been reviewed and  updated recently then the rate
       •  Life expectancy: The provisions in  respect of settled

                                                              might be around  1%  lower than it currently stands.
          PPOs are sensitive to the assumed life expectancy
                                                              Our sensitivity analysis shows the impact of changing
          of claimants.  Each claimant's life expectancy is
                                                              the PIDR and shows the CNST IBNR would be around
          estimated at settlement by medical experts. The

                                                              £1.3 billion higher if the  PIDR was  1%  lower.
          actual future lifetime of the claimant may differ
          significantly from this estimate.  Furthermore,  it is
          difficult to determine whether the life expectancies
          estimated by medical experts will  prove to be
          too long or too short on average across all
          claimants. The average life expectancy of claimants
          could also be influenced by future advances in
          medical care or other events (e.g.  epidemics).
       •  Covid-19: As with  last year's provisions, there
          are additional assumptions made, and  hence
          uncertainties in the provision, as a result of the
          impact of Covid-19.  Broadly speaking there are two
          offsetting factors of the pandemic on the provisions:
          expected lower claim  numbers from lower clinical
          activity in 2020/21, offset by new risks and  potential
          sources of claims as a result of the response.
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