Page 168 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 168

144                                                                                Financial statements

       Sensitivities as at 31  March 2022
       The provisions are sensitive to the assumptions used   Sensitivity to  HM Treasury tiered
       to varying degrees. The following demonstrates      nominal discount rates
       the sensitivity to these assumptions by showing:
                                                           Since 2018/19,  HM Treasury specifies discount rates in
       •  Sensitivity of the total provisions (known       nominal terms. The short- and medium-term nominal
         claims, settled  PPOs and  IBNR) to changes       discount rates have increased this year and the long term
         in the following  key assumptions:                rates have both decreased. The impacts of these changes
                                                           on the provisions vary by scheme, depending on the type
         -   HM Treasury discount rates
                                                           and duration of the expected future claim  payments.
         -   ASHE assumption
                                                           Due the long term  nature of the liabilities, claims
         -   Claims inflation                              that have settled, or are expected to settle as
                                                           a  PPO are very sensitive to changes in the HM
         -   Life expectancy.
                                                           Treasury-prescribed discount rate, especially the
       •  For CNST IBNR provisions, which  represent the   long term and very long term discount rates.
         single largest element within the total provision:
                                                            Discount         31/03/2021  31/03/2022  Change
         -   A reasonable range for the CNST IBNR provisions   rates term       nominal    nominal
           based on different plausible assumptions                                rates      rates
         -   Sensitivity of the CNST known claims provision                       (%pa)       (%pa)
           (excluding  PPOs) to changes in the payment pattern
                                                            Short term           -0 .0 2 %   0.47%   +0.49%
         -   Sensitivity of the CNST IBNR provisions
                                                            (<5 years)
           to other assumptions.
                                                            Medium term          0.18%       0.70%   +0.52%
       Sensitivity of provision
                                                            (5-10 years)
       to key assumptions
       The following tables show the effect on the          Long term            1.99%       0.95%    -1.04%
       valuation of the total provisions if different rates and   (10-40 years)
       assumptions were applied for HM Treasury discount
                                                            Very long term       1.99%       0 .6 6 %  -1.33%
       rates, the differential  between CPI and annual hourly
                                                            (over 40 years)
       earnings (ASHE),  claims inflation and  life expectancy.
       The tables show the separate impact on:
                                                           As shown  in the following  material, the relationship
       •  The known claims provision. This                 between the value of the total  provision and the effect
         represents 24%  of total provisions.              of changes in the discount rate is not a symmetrical
       •  The settled PPO provision. This represents 24%   one -  due to the impacts of compound discounting.

         of total  provisions. They are typically high value   A reduction of  1%  in the short,  medium and  long term
         cases, and their long term  nature mean they are   discount rates will  increase the total  provision  by 31 %,

         highly sensitive to changes in  key assumptions.  but a  1%  increase will reduce the provision  by 20%.
       •  The IBNR provision. This represents
         52%  of total provisions.

       Note that the tables that follow show the sensitivity
       of the total  provision across all schemes.  However, the
       provision, and sensitivity of the provision, is dominated
       by CNST which accounts for 94%  of the total  provisions.
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