Page 171 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                           147

             CNST IBNR:  reasonable range
            The CNST IBNR provision is the single largest element   For this assessment,  a number of assumptions are varied
            within the total provision.  Changes to the assumptions   together but the variations are limited to those that could
             underpinning this element have the greatest potential   have reasonably been chosen  based on the same analysis
            to affect the estimate of the total  provision.      of past data.  Changes in  individual assumptions may have
                                                                 a greater or smaller impact on the provisions estimate.
            The CNST IBNR provision in the accounts is based on a
            set of chosen assumptions.  It is possible to have a range   Although it should  be noted that this in  itself does not
            of different results if a different set of assumptions had   reflect the potential uncertainty in the assumptions
             been chosen. To illustrate this, a reasonable range is   underpinning the provision as future experience may
            shown in the following  material to demonstrate how   differ to the past, changes may occur in the claims
            different judgements on the main assumptions, given   and  legal environment, and the modelling approach
            the current environment and the same overall approach,   may not be a perfect representation of real  life.
            could result in different values for the provision.

             IBNR reasonable range                                        Value      Difference to accounts estimate
             Baseline CNST IBNR                                      £62.0 billion

             Reasonable upper range                                  £81.1  billion                        30.7%

             Reasonable lower range                                  £43.8 billion                         -29.4%

             In  prior years, the reasonable range has been derived by   CNST IBNR: sensitivity of provision
            varying the assumptions specified for PPO claims -  as   to other assumptions
            these are the most material assumptions in the CNST
                                                                 The sensitivity analysis that follows indicates how
             IBNR provisions.  Plowever as per last year, the reasonable
                                                                 wider variations in  individual assumptions would affect
             range presented this year also varies the assumptions
                                                                 the provision. This demonstrates the extent to which
            specified to allow for Covid-19. The impact of varying
                                                                 plausible differences between the assumptions chosen
            the Covid-19 assumption was c+£1.4 billion /-£0.9
                                                                 and actual future experience could affect future years'
             billion.  Given the reduced uncertainty around Covid-19
                                                                 provisions and the ultimate costs of settling claims.
            and the materiality of Covid-19 provisions, we have only
            varied the PPO assumptions.  Plence the results above   The ranges of the sensitivity tests that follow are based
            were achieved  by varying the following assumptions,   on the variability observed  in  past data. They do not
            all of which could  have reasonably been applied:    represent the maxima or minima of past observed values,
                                                                 nor the range of possible outcomes,  but they do capture
             •  The estimate for numbers of PPO damages claims
                                                                 future values that could  plausibly occur.  Each change
               for the incident years 2016/17 onwards;
                                                                 is shown separately,  but in  practice combinations are
             •  The probability of defence for PPO type claims;  possible, as different assumptions can  be correllated.
             •  The average cost for PPO damages;

             •  PPO damages claims inflation;
             •  The creation to settlement lag for PPO claims;

             •  The Covid-19 related claims costs.
             In summary, the provision  in the accounts for CNST
             IBNR could have been  reasonably set at a value
             between £43.8 billion and  £81.1  billion, if the
            same data,  method and approach were used, but
            different reasonable assumptions were selected
            on the basis of the past data. This is compared
            to the accounts estimate of £62.0 billion.
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