Page 172 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 172

148                                                                                Financial statements

       CNST IBNR sensitivities as at 31  March 2022

       Figure 32:
       The value and percentage impact of variations in the key assumptions within the CNST IBNR estimate


               -30%    -26%

                     HM Treasury  Future  IBNR claim  Average  Average  Differential Probability   Life  Change  Covid-19
                      discount  claims value  number  creation of  cost per  between  of a   expectancy  in PIDR  related
                       rates   inflation  (+/-10% for  claims to  claim  ASHE and successfully assumption  (+7-1%)  claims costs
                     (+/-1% pa)  (1% pa)  incident  payment  (+/- 20%)  CPI  defended   for PPOs  (double
                                        years   time lag        (+/- 0.5%  daim   (+7- 10%       or half)

                                       2016/17  ( >t  1year)      pa)    (if  5%)  change in life
                                       onwards)                                expectancy)

                                              H   Increase in assumption  ■   Decrease in assumption

       The sensitivities around these key assumptions      This year, there was a significant reduction in the long
       are explained earlier in this note.                 term and very long term discount rates prescribed  by
                                                           HM Treasury, which increased the provision significantly.
       Sensitivity to changes in the
                                                           This is because a  large proportion (by value) of the
       nominal  discount rate
                                                           IBNR provisions are expected to be paid  in  more
       Figure 33  is based on adjusting the nominal discount   than ten years' time and the long term discount
       rate by the increments shown. A change in the nominal   rate hasn't changed since last year.
       interest rate of +1 % would  represent short,  medium,  long
       term and very long term nominal interest rates of  1.47%,
       1.70%,1.95%  and  1.66%  respectively. As a result of the
       range of the increments analysed (and, for example, the
       long term nominal interest rate of  1.99%),  results to the
       left of the graph imply a negative nominal discount rate.
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