Page 174 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 174

150                                                                                Financial statements

       7.4.  Prior period adjustment -  known claims
       The known claims provision calculation (described at   As a  result of this review, we have concluded that this
       Note 7.2) uses the expected settlement date (ESD) from   approach should  have been applied to prior periods,
       individual claims recorded  in the Claims Management   drawing on the information that was available at the
       System (CMS) to apply inflation and discounting to   time, as it results in a better estimate of the known claims
       reach a valuation.  However, for the disclosure of the   provision. The prior period financial statements have
       expected timing of cashflows, this has historically been   therefore been  restated as required  by IAS 8 Accounting
       based on an actuarial view of settlement patterns.  Policies, Changes in Accounting  Estimates and  Errors.
       The ESD for individual  known claims is based on the   The closing position for the provision at 31  March
       judgement and experience of individual claims handlers   2021  has therefore been  increased  by £2.5  billion,
       informed by advice and regular review by panel lawyers   and a corresponding change to the provision expense
       (where instructed).  It is dynamic as it responds to   has been  made.  The prior year restatement has
       developments on the individual claim, which will  not   been confined to the CNST scheme on the basis the
       follow a prescribed timetable.  Claims handlers are   impact on the other schemes is not material (based
       required to keep this field under review and as part of   on the work done for the 2021/22 adjustment).
       their reporting  requirements,  panel law firms revise and
                                                           The opening position for the provision at  1 April 2020

       recommend any changes to the  ESD. This judgement is
                                                           for CNST only has also been  restated,  resulting  in an
       based on a range of factors pertinent to the individual
                                                           increase of £2.8 billion. Taken together with
       claim such as whether liability issues are clear or complex,
                                                           the restatement at 31  March 2021, there was
       or whether the claimant's condition can be assessed easily
                                                           a net reduction in the provision expense for the
       or requires further examination and expert evidence.
                                                           restated 2020/21  financial year of £0.3  billion.
       While these judgements may be reasonable at individual
                                                           The following table sets out the changes made to
       claim level, collectively they may be optimistic compared
                                                           the financial statements and  notes to the accounts
       to the number and value of claims that the legal
                                                           as a  result of the prior year restatement.
       and  health systems have the capacity to settle. The
       appropriateness of the ESD on individual cases is audited
       as part of the rolling audit programme internally and
       also when a claims handlers' financial authority limit is
       considered for review or approval. The audit considers
       the reasonableness of the claims handlers' judgement,
       based on the evidence available at that point in time.
       A difference between reasonable granular judgements
       taken together and likely cashflows is not unexpected.
       NHS Resolution  has had in place an actuarial view of the
       timing of cashflows (derived from historical settlement
       patterns) for the provisions disclosures in the accounts.
       However, the difference between these two views has
       diverged in 2021/22,  most likely due to the impact
       of the Covid-19 pandemic on the legal and  health
       operating environments. There has been an  increase
       in the volume and value of claims with a settlement
       date within a shorter timeframe. An adjustment to
       the known claims provision (£4.6 billion across all
       schemes at 2021/22  HM Treasury discount rates) has
       been  made to reflect an actuarial view of a slower
       settlement pattern than the claims ESDs suggest.
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