Page 165 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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|   NHS Resolution     Annual report and accounts 2021/22

             •  Scheme developments: There is additionally       Table 28 shows a summary of the key assumptions
               some uncertainty in  relation to the impact of the   used to determine the CNST IBNR provision, as the
               Early Notification Scheme, which  impacts some    CNST IBNR provision is the largest single element of
               maternity incidents that occurred on or after     total  provisions, and therefore where uncertainty has
               1 April 2017, on claims costs and  reporting trends.  the greatest effect.  For each assumption, the degree

                                                                 of uncertainty in the assumption and the impact of
               This year, we have set separate assumptions for
                                                                 the assumption on the level of provisions has been
               claims reported  under the  EN Scheme and those
                                                                 categorised subjectively as 'high',  'medium' or 'low'.
               reported outside of the scheme. Assumptions have
                                                                 Where appropriate the same assumptions are used for
               been set based on  EN experience to date and we
                                                                 the CNST settled  PPOs and known claims provisions.
               have assumed that the overall  level of risk of brain
               damage of babies at birth  is similar to that seen   Key assumptions in the
               in  previous years but that the Early Notification
               Scheme brings forward the reporting of those      CNST IBNR provision
               claims.  It will take several more years to ascertain   The impacts of the various assumptions can
               fully what the impact of the  EN Scheme may be.   be found detailed  in  Figure 32:  CNST IBNR
               The provisions in  respect of GP Indemnity claims rely   sensitivities as at 31  March 2022 (page  148).
               on  historical claims data provided  by organisations
               with different claims processes and systems.
               This, together with any changes in claims
               development following the recent changes
               in these arrangements with the take-on of
               claims from two MDOs, contributes to the
               uncertainty inherent in these provisions.
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