Page 160 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 160

136                                                                                Financial statements

       Indemnity arrangements for coronavirus              •  The direct impacts on core (non-Covid-19) NHS
                                                             activity and  hence the claims that might normally
       The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant
                                                             arise -  for example in  relation to lower clinical
       impact on the NHS over the last two years, which
                                                             activity or the risks of delayed treatment.
       has the potential to affect the value of the liabilities
       covered  by NHS Resolution.  In addition to the two   •  The indirect impacts across all other factors
       new schemes that were established last year (CNSC      that might influence claim costs -  for example
       and CHS), there are also potential impacts on the      in  relation to lags between  incidents, claims
       liabilities covered  under the arrangements that were   and settlement or the economic impact.
       already in  place (i.e. through CNST, CNSGP and     Early Notification
       LTPS) owing to changes in healthcare provision.
                                                           The majority (approximately 70%) of the CNST
       As was the case last year, the estimated effect
                                                           provision  is as a result of claims arising from
       on the NHS Resolution provision  is fairly limited
                                                           maternity activities -  such as brain damaged
       (£1.3 billion) at this stage because:
                                                           babies at birth following  negligent care.
       •  the success of the vaccination  programme meant that
                                                           Under the  Early Notification (EN) Scheme, trusts
          clinical activity wasn't as severely disrupted  in 2021/22.
                                                           are required to report qualifying cases that meet
       •  a  large share of the total  provision  is in  relation   the Early Notification criteria to Healthcare Safety
          to incidents that occurred  prior to 2020/21.    Investigation  Branch, and, from  1 April 2022, also

         While these claims might still  be affected by    to NHS Resolution once HSIB  have confirmed they
          any potential disruption in the reporting and    are progressing an  investigation.  HSIB will triage and
          settlement of claims, this is not expected       confirm their investigation on those babies who have
          to significantly alter the liabilities due.      clinical or MRI evidence of neurological  injury.  Once
                                                           NHS  Resolution have received the final HSIB  report,
       •  a  large proportion (approximately 70% for
                                                           the EN team will triage the case further based on our
          2021/22 compared to 68%  in 2020/21) of the
                                                           internal clinical definition and then confirm to the trust
          CNST provision  is as a  result of claims arising
                                                           which cases will  proceed to a liability investigation.
          from  maternity activity. Although there have been
          some changes to maternity activities,  overall these   •  The EN Scheme has significantly altered the pace
          activities have continued during the pandemic      at which claims are opened.  However, since the
          and we assume that there will  be a similar level of   scheme was only launched  in 2017 and  it takes a
          claims as in  previous years.  The estimated value of   number of years for higher value claims to settle,
          IBNR PPO claims, which mainly relate to maternity,   there is relatively little settled claims experience
          for incidents in 2020/21  is around  £9 billion and   to fully quantify the impact of the EN Scheme.
          for incidents in 2021/22  is around  £11  billion.
                                                           For this year, we have separately modelled claims reported
       While a small  number of claims related to Covid-19   under the  EN Scheme within the IBNR provision and those
       have been  received, it will take several years for the   expected to be reported outside of the scheme.  In arriving
       impacts of Covid-19 to fully materialise, due to the   at our assumed number of claims, we have considered
       time lags between  incidents, claims and  ultimately   the rate at which  EN cases have been opened to date
                                                           while assuming that the overall level of risk in  relation
       their settlement. As a result, there is limited experience
                                                           to brain damage at birth is broadly similar to the period
       from which to quantify the impacts of Covid-19 on the
                                                           before EN.  Hence we assume that the overall  number of
       provisions and our estimates are subject to uncertainty.
                                                           successful  high value claims after the introduction of the
       We have therefore applied a similar approach to
                                                           EN Scheme will  be similar to the period  before -  reflecting
       2020/21, where we have separately considered:
                                                           that the EN scheme only alters the reporting and claim
       •  The direct impacts that might arise from new activities   settlement process,  rather than the exposure to risk.
         related to responding to the pandemic -  for example
                                                           Since no high value EN cases have been settled yet, other
         in relation to testing, diagnosis, treating and caring
                                                           assumptions in  respect of claim costs and settlement lags
         for Covid-19 patients and administering vaccines.
                                                           are set with  reference to standard  maternity claims.
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