Page 158 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 158

134                                                                                Financial statements

       7.1.  Reconciliation of Note 7 to Statement of comprehensive net expenditure

       Reconciliation of Note 7 to       Ex-RHA         ELS        CNST       DHSC         ELGP       ELSGP
       comprehensive net expenditure                                         clinical

                                           £0 0 0 s    £0 0 0 s   £0 0 0 s    £0 0 0 s    £0 0 0 s     £0 0 0 s

        Unwinding of discount/
                                            953       16,590     290,785      36,571          0        2,259
        finance charge
        Increase in known
                                           1,198      38,279   8,408,657     221,273          0      481,934
        claims provision
        Provision not required
                                           (546)     (18,744)  (2,827,151)   (91,359)         0     (159,697)
        written back
        Change in discount rate
                                          19,234     429,928   40,872,916   1,153,134         0      122,368
        (known claims and IBNR)
        lncrease/(decrease) in
                                          (6 ,0 0 0 )  (33,768)  (3,059,000)  (256,027)       0     (147,000)
        provision for IBNR
        Provision expense charged to
        Statement of comprehensive        13,886     415,695   43,395,422  1,027,021          0      297,605
        net expenditure
        Total charge to Statement of
                                          14,839     432,285   43,686,207  1,063,592          0      299,864
        comprehensive net expenditure

       7.2.  Explanatory notes                             Developments over the year
                                                           affecting the provisions
       Nature and scope of the obligation
                                                           Discount rates
       NHS Resolution administers indemnity cover for clinical
       negligence and  non-clinical claims under twelve    One of the key assumptions used  in calculating the
       schemes or arrangements.  Provisions are calculated  in   provisions are the discount rates used to place a
       accordance with  IAS 37 and  relate to liabilities arising   present value on  projected future cashflows.  Since the
       from  incidents covered by these arrangements.  The   discount rates are prescribed  by HM Treasury, the rates
       three key elements of NHS Resolution's provisions are:  are outside the formal control of NHS Resolution.

       •  Claims received by NHS  Resolution (known claims)  NHS  Resolution's provisions are particularly sensitive
                                                           to the long term and very long term discount rates.
       •  Settled periodical  payment orders (PPOs) where
                                                           This reflects the long term nature of the liabilities
          the settlement of a claim involves payments to the
                                                           which  is driven  by the reporting and settlement
          claimant into the future, generally for their lifetime
                                                           delays as well as the fact that many high value
       •  Incurred  but not reported (IBNR) provision      claims are settled as a  PPO with  payments provided
         where claims have not yet been  received  but     over the remaining  lifetime of the claimant.
         where it can  be reasonably predicted that:
                                                           This year, there was a significant reduction  in the long
         -   an adverse incident has occurred, and         term and very long term discount rates prescribed  by
         -   a transfer of economic benefits will occur, and  HM Treasury, which  increased the provision  by £42.6
                                                           billion. Although the change in discount rates prescribed
         -   a reasonable estimate of the likely value
                                                           by HM Treasury has a  material effect on the value of the
           can  be made.
                                                           provisions,  it does not alter the cost of settling claims in
       The schemes that we administer are shown            the short-term -  which  is driven  by the frequency and
       in the Appendix on  page  159.                      severity of claims and the legal environment in which
                                                           the claims are settled (e.g. the personal  injury discount
                                                           rate).As such the £42.6 billion  increase in the provisions
                                                           reflects a change in the way the liabilities are valued,
                                                           rather than a change in the underlying  liabilities.
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